Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 26January2014

interesting confluence of grad school and finances in one of this week’s PostSecrets
The big excitement this week was that we got a snow day! I think we’ve had maybe one other in the time I’ve been in grad school – the university is very reluctant to cancel and we don’t have snow every year. So we took advantage and stayed home for the day.
On Friday I spent all day at the first session of my professional development program. I think it’s going to take a lot more time than the 10 hours per week advertised! I really want to make our group project super successful but we’re having trouble settling on an approach. We chose “internships” as our topic – as in, making completing internships during grad school easier for students. Somehow.
This week an Amazon Prime (affiliate link – thanks for using!) subscription fee showed up on one of our credit cards unexpectedly. Apparently my free student membership just rolled over into a paid student account and they didn’t inform me they were about to charge one of my cards on file. It’s very clearly stated in their terms of service that the rollover will happen and there will not be notification. Thankfully, I just called and asked to cancel and get a refund and since we hadn’t used the membership yet (1 day in) they did that for us without a fuss. Sometimes it pays to just ask nicely, even when you’re not “right!”
We had friends over to watch The Big Game (away version) last night and it was a GREAT game, even though we didn’t get the outcome we wanted. I came out of it still hopeful for a comeback this season.
My Favorite Posts This Week
Michelle from Making Sense of Cents had a remarkably terrible experience with a wedding vendor.
Lance from Money Manifesto encourages everyone to have a side hustle they can ramp up in the case of unemployment.
Done by Forty and his wife paid off their mortgage using the mental accounting of living on one income.
Stefanie from The Broke and Beautiful Life details how little she is paid for her work as a stage actor – it’s shocking!
Kraig from Create My Independence presents 10 tips for making your first $1,000 with your business.
Cat from Budget Blonde included What Happened to the Term ‘Independently Wealthy?’ in her writing wrap up.
Blog Statistics Update December 2013 – January 2014 was featured in the Yakezie Carnival.
Financial Heroes or Financial Zeros? was featured in the Carnival of Financial Independence 47th Edition.
Our Best (Pain-Free) Money-Saving Moves was featured in the Carnival of Personal Finance, the Carnival of Financial Planning, and the Festival of Frugality #416.
How Do You Decide If You Can Afford a Purchase? was featured in the Carnival of Money #15 and the Carnival of MoneyPros.
Top Comment
Daniel from Sweating the Big Stuff gave an example of how he has benefitted from being more open about finances with his friends: “I’ve found that my group of friends are much more open to sharing their finances than I expected. The more you share, the more you learn and know. I remember graduating college, and nobody knew anything about 401(k)s or Roth IRAs. Slowly we learned and when our friends got jobs, they knew to ask us for advice since we had been through the same process recently.”
Most Frequent Commenters
- E.M. @ Journey to Saving
- Ashley @ Saving Money in Your Twenties
- Done by Forty
Top Blogs Referring to EPF
Filed under: weekly update · Tags: Amazon Prime, snow
My whole staff was geared up for a snow day last week. I told them it almost never happens, but they were excited none the less. Turned out to be not so exciting for me because all of the (except my social worker) called out “sick”. Have a good rest of the weekend.
KK @ Student Debt Survivor recently posted..Parents, Don’t Co-Sign Student Loans!
Lame! I was hoping for the snow day but keeping in mind that it’s always overhyped, which was true again. We prepared everything the night before assuming we would have to go in.
Amazing how simple it is to just call and ask for your money back. Especially with Amazon, they’re always giving refunds. Thanks for the shout out this week. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Stefanie @ The Broke and Beautiful Life recently posted..I Went to the Gym… And It Was Awful
We have found amazon to be very accommodating in the past, but this was the first time we were asking them to do something beyond their terms of service.
Thanks so much for including my post this week 🙂 I’m glad they refunded you your money! I knew they wouldn’t warn me so I made sure to put a reminder on my calendar a couple days before the free trial ended.
Lance @ Money Manifesto recently posted..Did You Buy Any Of These 4 Things People Buy But Never Use?
That’s smart, I should have done that! I didn’t realize they wouldn’t even notify me, but I should have if I had read more carefully. But I’m happy Amazon was reasonable about it.
There has been snow even in Louisiana!!! I want my island back lol!
Crazy times! Let’s all move to Grenada.
Glad the mix up with Amazon was easily resolved, and thanks so much for including my post in your article!
Done by Forty recently posted..February Budget Porn
You’re welcome.