Business Goal Tracking for Weeks 18 and 19 of 2022

In May 2022, I set four overall monthly goals and four weekly habits to help me meet my revenue and workshop enrollment goals for 2022. This is my accountability report for how I did against these goals between 4/30/2022 and 5/13/2022.

Monthly and Weekly Goals

May Monthly Goals

  1. Ask for QE tax promotion on my behalf
  2. Update PF workshop series for 2022
  3. Promote Set Yourself Up for Financial Success in Grad School and enroll clients
  4. Create June through August content for Set Yourself Up for Financial Success in Grad School and set up the workshop

May Weekly Goals

  1. Stay on top of all communications with university clients, including creating workshop copies and financials
  2. Write and schedule promotional broadcasts and Tweets
  3. Devote two hours to professional development
  4. Recite affirmations daily

Week Overall

The special thing about these last two weeks is that I’ve been training one of my assistants for some new administrative duties she’s taking on! It’s very exciting. I spent significant time writing up protocols to train her on, which was actually a bit gratifying to realize all I’ve learned over these years, and I also had to set up some back end stuff like a new email address for her. But even in these last few days, it’s been a weight off my mind to not have to address some of these small tasks myself!

Other than the new training, another big accomplishment was to prep four podcast episodes so that my editors and I can get ahead on our production schedule this summer. I won’t have to do much more for these episodes and they’ll take us about halfway through summer.

Monthly Goal 1: Ask for QE tax promotion on my behalf

I haven’t started on this yet, but plan to in the upcoming week.

Monthly Goal 2: Update PF workshop series for 2022

I haven’t started on this yet.

Monthly Goal 3: Promote Set Yourself Up for Financial Success in Grad School and enroll clients

This was what I’ve mainly been working on over these past two weeks. I sent dozens of emails to individuals asking for recommendations, but it looks like this method doesn’t have a very high accept rate. 🙁 I did get a couple of leads, so we’ll see how that works out.

I had two sales calls for this workshop with McNair programs. Neither has officially enrolled yet, but I’d say one is almost certain to enroll and one is likely to enroll. I have two more sales calls set up for this coming week.

Monthly Goal 4: Create June through August content for Set Yourself Up for Financial Success in Grad School and set up the workshop

I created the slides for, scripted, and recorded the audio for the June module and handed them off to my video editor. I plan to do the same for the July module next week.

Weekly Goal 1: Stay on top of all communications with university clients, including creating workshop copies and financials

I stayed on top of this goal, and actually made it easier on myself by training my assistant to handle the invoices. She caught up on the backlog of invoices for the registrations for my annual tax return workshop.

Weekly Goal 2: Write and schedule promotional broadcasts and Tweets

The only broadcast I needed to send was that I asked for recommendations from my list for Set Yourself Up for Financial Success in Grad School.

Weekly Goal 3: Devote two hours to professional development

I’ve been reading Free Time by Jenny Blake during these last two weeks.

Weekly Goal 4: Recite affirmations daily


Goal Tracking

Annual Revenue to Date (as a percent of “Best” revenue goal):

  • Advertising — 1.37%
  • Community membership + tax workshop sales (individual) — 4.63%
  • Public speaking — 8.85%
  • Tax workshop (institutional sales) — 4.80%
  • Sum — 19.65%

Cumulative Workshop Enrollment to Date (5,000 is “Best” goal): 1,558

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