Business Goal Tracking for Week 17 of 2022

In April 2022, I set three overall monthly goals and four weekly habits to help me meet my revenue and workshop enrollment goals for 2022. This is my accountability report for how I did against these goals between 4/16/2022 and 4/22/2022.

Monthly and Weekly Goals

April Monthly Goals

  1. Create sales page and bonus for rising graduate students webinar
  2. Create and deliver rising graduate students webinar (3x)
  3. Plan for 2022

April Weekly Goals

  1. Stay on top of all communications with university clients, including creating workshop copies and financials
  2. Write and schedule promotional emails and Tweets for tax workshops
  3. Devote two hours to professional development
  4. Recite affirmations daily

Week Overall

My hours were a little light this week (just under 20), but I’m OK with taking it a little easier at this point in the year. I’m spending more time reading (more on that below), which is very enjoyable.

Monthly Goal 1: Create sales page and bonus for rising graduate students webinar


Monthly Goal 2: Create and deliver rising graduate students webinar


Monthly Goal 3: Plan for 2022

I believe I completed this! I slotted in at least one monthly goal for the remainder of the year based on the academic and tax year. I think May, June, and July are completely planned.

Weekly Goal 1: Stay on top of all communications with university clients, including creating workshop copies and financials

Communications are slowing down, so this was easy to stay on top of.

Weekly Goal 2: Write and schedule promotional emails and Tweets for tax workshops

I didn’t have any tax content to promote this week.

Weekly Goal 3: Devote two hours to professional development

I read Die with Zero, which I think counts! It took me more than two hours.

Weekly Goal 4: Recite affirmations daily

I checked this off on four days out of five, I think.

Goal Tracking

Annual Revenue to Date (as a percent of “Best” revenue goal):

  • Advertising — 0.77%
  • Community membership + tax workshop sales (individual) — 4.34%
  • Public speaking — 8.35%
  • Tax workshop (institutional sales) — 4.80%
  • Sum — 18.26%

Cumulative Workshop Enrollment to Date (5,000 is “Best” goal): 1,556

Monthly and Weekly Goals

May Monthly Goals

  1. Ask for QE tax promotion on my behalf
  2. Update PF workshop series for 2022
  3. Promote Set Yourself Up for Financial Success in Grad School and enroll clients
  4. Create June through August content for Set Yourself Up for Financial Success in Grad School and set up the workshop

May Weekly Goals

  1. Stay on top of all communications with university clients, including creating workshop copies and financials and updating Asana
  2. Write and schedule promotional broadcasts and Tweets
  3. Devote two hours to professional development
  4. Recite affirmations daily

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