Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "busy"
Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments May 2014
May was a very quiet month for me and EPF. Kyle’s defense took a lot of time and energy and now I’m working mega hard trying to make my defense happen by the end of the summer, so there hasn’t been much time for posting or commenting. Still, I have been reading/skimming my normal blogs, so I have gathered up my favorite posts from the month of May for you to enjoy, as well as the top comments left on EPF. Thank you all for bearing with me! Great Posts This Month Lance from Money Manifesto doesn’t want you to take and early or late retirement but rather periodic retirements. Brian from Luke 1428 is becoming a stay-at-home dad! Sam from Frugaling reveals how much he made off his blog in his first year (um… … Read entire article »
Filed under: weekly update
Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 28July2013

I’m so glad that we have our housing situation all squared away! Our application was approved almost immediately last Monday and we sent in the security deposit online to hold the unit. However, we aren’t scheduled to sign the lease until the day we move in, which we think is a bit weird. We’re at least going to ask to read it over before that day to make sure there’s nothing we object to in … Read entire article »
Filed under: weekly update