Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "conferences"
Stretch Goal: FinCon 2014!

I have absolutely devoured all the FinCon13 recap posts in my RSS reader this week! I know some of the writers think they are boring/tedious for their readers, but since I “know” so many of the participants it’s interesting to me to hear about them hanging out together. I am considering buying the Virtual Pass so I can at least learn from the presentations, although I know that the in-person networking is the more important … Read entire article »
Ways to Monetarily Invest in Your Marriage

When I identified my top five values, it wasn’t straightforward to me how I would use money to further my value of marriage. Since Kyle and I don’t have kids yet, I figured every day hanging out at home was like a date, you know? Not really! There are many of non-everyday ways to invest in your marriage that money can make happen. It’s all about putting your money where your values are! Date Night Pretty standard … Read entire article »