Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "defense"
It’s Dr. EPF, Thankyouverymuch!

I successfully defended my PhD on Wednesday. Grad school is over (almost). It’s only barely starting to sink in that the event that I’ve been working toward for six years has finally occurred and that I’m FREE! The defense itself went well, I think. I prepared HARD for my presentation and it was pretty good by the time I gave it (given the material, of course). My committee didn’t grill me or anything and everyone was very collegial. I … Read entire article »
Filed under: grad school
Celebratory Spending

The main reason I’ve been absent from EPF and the blogosphere generally is that Kyle defended his PhD last week! You may now address him as Dr. Kyle. (Not that kind of doctor.) (Just kidding. We can all call him Kyle after just this one post.) Dr. Kyle has been working toward this moment for nearly seven years. It’s just staggering all that went into this accomplishment. I can’t even tell you. I’m so proud of … Read entire article »
Filed under: grad school, spending
Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments April 2014
As much as I’m trying to focus on finishing my work and writing my dissertation, my ideas for PF related projects keep dogging me. This month I attended a PF seminar for med students and residents as part of my university committee participation and then had a follow-up meeting on improving the seminar to be given to the grad students next fall. After that, I couldn’t get my various website and ebook ideas out of my mind. It didn’t help that I started listening to the Smart Passive Income podcast while doing labwork. Thankfully, so far I’ve kept myself from actually working on these projects, but they are so tempting! Kyle got his official offer letter for his postdoc (in his current advisor’s lab, for the short-term). We’re so glad that the … Read entire article »
Filed under: weekly update
Grad School vs. Blogging vs. Career vs. Money

It’s finally time to give you all a life update! As I’ve hinted a few times recently, there have been some big changes in our plans. Grad School Last week, my advisor made the official announcement that he is moving to another university at the end of the summer. He first alerted us to the possibility back in January, so I’ve had a few months to assimilate the news. At that time, he and I discussed it … Read entire article »
Filed under: blogging, career, grad school, income, savings
When Plans Change

I have a personal update for you today! It’s about how our protracted time to graduation has affected our plans, careers, and finances. I though we had some timelines and plans down, and then they were shot to heck, and now the picture is re-coming into focus. Grad School I’ve mentioned in my weekly wrap-ups here that for the past several weeks Kyle has been working around the clock on writing his dissertation. We were hoping that … Read entire article »
Filed under: career, cars, goals, marriage, personal, savings, spending, transitions
No Summer Plans Yet

Now that the semester is ending (lucky undergrads/professional students!) and spring is in the air, we are getting lots of questions from friends and family about what our plans are for the summer. We are going to Boston over Memorial Day for a wedding (we are taking our own advice and crashing with a friend!) but we haven’t made any other definite plans. We have been invited to a wedding over July 4th weekend in … Read entire article »
Filed under: career, grad school, travel
Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 17Mar2013
This week is all about watching March Madness! My PI walked into my office when I had it streaming one time this week. :/ We also saw Anything Goes at our local theater – Kyle really liked it and I thought it was pretty good. On Friday night we went to a Grad Christian Fellowship gathering and hear from a bioethicist faculty member, which was fascinating and provoked a lot of great discussion afterwards. Finally, one of our friends in Kyle’s program defended this week – congratulations Dr. S! Posts I Liked Kraig from Young Cheap Living explains why he’s bucking the standard advice to use tax-advantaged retirement accounts and buy a house. Well Heeled Blog draws attention to the trend of freezing eggs to extend the childbearing years in favor of focusing … Read entire article »
Filed under: weekly update