Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "fellowships"
Dreaming of Financial Incentives for Grad Students

Last night I literally dreamed about how my progress through my PhD might have been different if there were financial incentives in place. In the last few weeks I’ve been reflecting on what I wish I had done differently during grad school; I’m in that super-jaded place that a lot of people get to around the time that they defend. I have found myself wishing that there had been clearer expectations set out by my advisor, … Read entire article »
Filed under: grad school
How to Calculate and File Estimated Tax Payments

If you are being paid but aren’t having any money withheld for income taxes, you may need to pay estimated tax quarterly. If you don’t know what those are or how to do them, read on! Grad students, please pay special attention. You have to pay income tax on your stipend if it doesn’t go toward qualified educational expenses (your rent does not count). If you do not have withholding set up, you will likely … Read entire article »
Filed under: grad school, taxes