Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "fiscal cliff"
At Long Last, Our Budget(s)

A few weeks ago, Kyle and I finally sat down together to create a new iteration of our budget. We probably should have done it after we moved in August, reducing our rent by about $100/month, or after we got our annual cost-of-living raises in September. We put off incorporating that extra money into our budget because we weren’t sure how the fiscal cliff would be resolved and we didn’t want to get accustomed to … Read entire article »
What Happens to Your Taxes If We Go Over the Fiscal Cliff?

I listed to Marketplace every day and have hear many pieces on the fiscal cliff aka taxmageddon. Basically, there are a bunch of federal tax cuts and spending increases that are set to expire at the end of 2012 if Congress doesn’t take any action. Since the legislature is apparently completely paralyzed during our ever-lengthening election season, we won’t know if the fiscal cliff will be partially or completely prevented probably until the lame duck … Read entire article »
Filed under: taxes