Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "funding"
Missionary Support Transitions

About a year and a half ago, Kyle and I decided to start supporting a missionary with an ongoing monthly contribution of $50. We were a bit nervous as we had never entered into this kind of relationship before; our only ongoing regular giving to that point had been to our church, and with an individual it felt a bit different. We were particularly thinking about how we might go about ending the gift if we … Read entire article »
Filed under: giving
Losing My Graduate School Funding

The following is a guest post from Ross at Cash Rebel. He’s a 20-something engineer who writes about frugality, sustainability, and stick-to-itiveness. This is his story about losing funding for graduate school. The year was 2010 and I finally knew what I wanted to do with my life. I’d graduated college with a degree in Mechanical Engineering earlier that year and although tons of recent grads were signing up for grad school because they couldn’t find … Read entire article »
Filed under: grad school