Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "graduation"
May 2015 Money Puddle and Spending Report

May was a very crazy month for us, actually – both financially and just for our life! 1) We walked in our graduation ceremony, so we had family come to town for the weekend. The associated costs included our regalia and extra food (though our family partially reimbursed us). 2) We attended a wedding in Kansas over Memorial Day weekend. It was a very fun but very un-frugal weekend. 3) Kyle applied for, interviewed for, and received offers for … Read entire article »
Filed under: month in review
The Ceremony of Graduation

This past weekend, Kyle and I participated in our university’s graduation ceremony. This was the fourth time we’ve celebrated finishing our PhDs, and definitely the least fun or important of any of them. Just shy of a year ago, Kyle defended and we had a big family dinner. About nine months ago, I defended and we hosted a party for our friends and family. Eight months ago, my parents threw us a party where they … Read entire article »
Filed under: grad school
Celebratory Spending

The main reason I’ve been absent from EPF and the blogosphere generally is that Kyle defended his PhD last week! You may now address him as Dr. Kyle. (Not that kind of doctor.) (Just kidding. We can all call him Kyle after just this one post.) Dr. Kyle has been working toward this moment for nearly seven years. It’s just staggering all that went into this accomplishment. I can’t even tell you. I’m so proud of … Read entire article »
Filed under: grad school, spending
Grad School vs. Blogging vs. Career vs. Money

It’s finally time to give you all a life update! As I’ve hinted a few times recently, there have been some big changes in our plans. Grad School Last week, my advisor made the official announcement that he is moving to another university at the end of the summer. He first alerted us to the possibility back in January, so I’ve had a few months to assimilate the news. At that time, he and I discussed it … Read entire article »
Filed under: blogging, career, grad school, income, savings
When Plans Change

I have a personal update for you today! It’s about how our protracted time to graduation has affected our plans, careers, and finances. I though we had some timelines and plans down, and then they were shot to heck, and now the picture is re-coming into focus. Grad School I’ve mentioned in my weekly wrap-ups here that for the past several weeks Kyle has been working around the clock on writing his dissertation. We were hoping that … Read entire article »
Filed under: career, cars, goals, marriage, personal, savings, spending, transitions
Do I Want a Camera or Subjects?

I’m “that person” in my group of friends – the one who always has a camera out, taking awkward candid photos. I estimate that I have tens of thousands of photos that I’ve taken with my two Canon point-and-shoots over the past 7 or 8 years. (But for all the flak my friends give me about annoyingly documenting everything, they frequently tell me how much they appreciate my efforts and several times have asked for … Read entire article »
Filed under: choices, spending, targeted savings
Upcoming Transition and a Potential Financial Overhaul

I believe I’ve mentioned this a few times on the blog but haven’t explained the full scenario: Kyle is striving to finish his PhD this spring (or, less optimistically, over the summer). He is currently looking for his first post-PhD job, a postdoctoral position, which is essentially additional training in the lab of another faculty member and will last 2-5 years. Good news: this job transition will come with approximately a 40% raise over his … Read entire article »
Filed under: budgeting, transitions