Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "job offers"
The Tale of Two Job Offers

For the last several years, Kyle’s and my life plan has been for him to do a postdoc in his field and for me to be the ‘trailing spouse.’ We thought he would graduate and move to that position before I graduated, but it turned out that I defended only a couple months after he did, and he stuck around in his PhD advisor’s lab to finish up a couple papers as a short-term postdoc … Read entire article »
Filed under: career
May 2015 Money Puddle and Spending Report

May was a very crazy month for us, actually – both financially and just for our life! 1) We walked in our graduation ceremony, so we had family come to town for the weekend. The associated costs included our regalia and extra food (though our family partially reimbursed us). 2) We attended a wedding in Kansas over Memorial Day weekend. It was a very fun but very un-frugal weekend. 3) Kyle applied for, interviewed for, and received offers for … Read entire article »
Filed under: month in review