Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "joint finances"
How Joint Money Management Is Keeping My Marriage Together

I have recently been thinking quite a lot about career transitions, two-body problems, and money in marriage. Kyle and I keep completely joint finances, which I think is a key reason that we are living in the same city and working together to optimize our two-body solution. If we had separate finances, things would probably look quite different… How We Got to Where We Are Kyle and I started dating when we were undergraduates, both graduating in … Read entire article »
What Constitutes Joint or Separate Finances?

I got into a (very polite) disagreement with Grayson from Debt Roundup in the comments section of his recent post, which argues that married couples should keep separate finances. (His post was in response to a recent debate Holly from Club Thrifty engaged in regarding joint finances – in print and on TV.) My position was that Grayson does not actually keep separate finances in his marriage because he and his wife have a joint … Read entire article »
Filed under: marriage
Why I Love Joint Finances

For those of you who don’t know already, my husband, Kyle, and I keep joint finances and we are advocates of joint finances for married couples. We have a completely joint money management system, which means that we have no separate money whatsoever, not even monthly ‘allowances.’ We have just one Mint account so it’s easy to keep track of our accounts and either one of us can check up on the activity at any … Read entire article »
Filed under: marriage
Don’t Use Gifts to Avoid Joint Finances

I’m always surprised when married couples use gift-giving secrecy as a reason for having partially or completely separate finances. My opinion is that married couples should have joint finances (perhaps with “allowances”), although if a couple agrees to practice partial pooling or have separate finances I recognize it’s none of my business. I really think it’s silly when couples say that gifts are the reason that they don’t have completely joint finances. To be fair, I’ve … Read entire article »
Long-Distance Marriage: Money Management

This is the second installment of our series on financially navigating a long-distance marriage. Check out the first installment and come back on subsequent Wednesdays for the third and fourth! The questions I asked about money management logistics were the ones that I was most interested in. My bias here is that Kyle and I keep totally joint money (both in the names on our accounts and how we think of them), but I wondered whether … Read entire article »