Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "lump sum income"
Our New Money Management Issues

Kyle and I are 1.5 weeks into living apart but managing money together. This post is on my initial observations on the money management implications of my move to a new(ish) city, living apart from Kyle, and being paid in a lump sum for three months of work. I’m sure that over the course of my fellowship how we manage our finances will change a bit and I will have new insights by the end. Lump … Read entire article »
How to Budget from a Lump Sum of Income

What do you do when there’s more money than month? Some people find budgeting over a whole month difficult enough – but what if your payment needs to last multiple months? It’s not a common problem, but it does come up for students receiving loan disbursements or fellowships as well as others who have highly irregular income or who receive bonuses. Just this last week, I received a check for $8,500 that is a fellowship payment (non-employee) … Read entire article »
Filed under: budgeting