Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "restaurants"
How to Cut Your Food Spending – Scaling Back on Eating Out

For those looking to cut back on their spending, eating out is a prime target. While there are some people for whom eating out has become a lifestyle, we all know that it is totally optional! This post will help you find ways to cut back on how much money you spend on eating out as well as get more for the money you do spend. Planning in this area will pay off big time … Read entire article »
We Have Too Many Gift Cards!

Kyle and I have recently been reminded of a pretty good problem to have: We have a ton of gift cards and we have no plan for spending them! Why We Have So Many Cards 1) I think we might receive more than the average people because I, particularly, am very difficult to buy for. People know that I like to read so they tend to give me gift cards to booksellers (we have a lot to … Read entire article »
Filed under: found money, frugality