Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "reunion"
Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 29September2013
We are keeping our nose to the grindstones this week so there wasn’t much time for extracurriculars. A certain someone has started writing his dissertation and has a tight deadline so I’m being supportive/expressing solidarity by working at most of the same times he is (well, when those times are before midnight – that is my bedtime!). We have switched from attending church at 11:00 AM on Sundays to 4:00 PM on Saturdays – well, we’re trying to commit to the switch. It’s a little weird to change our weekend routine, but I’m happy to have the Sunday mornings free. Anyone else attend church on Saturdays? Oh! We spent $180 this week! On tickets to my 10-year high school reunion! I’m so excited! I got to see a bunch of my … Read entire article »
Filed under: weekly update
My Dream in 23 Years – What’s Yours?

One of the important components of the All Your Worth Balanced Money Formula is the Dream Fund. Of the 20% of take-home pay that is supposed to go toward savings, 25% of it is for your dreams – aside from retirement and all of that. When I was a kid I thought I would want to own a beach house. Maybe some other people want a plane, an around-the-world cruise, or to pay for their … Read entire article »
April 2012 Month in Review: Money

I’ve decided to start a series in which I look back on the previous month’s spending and saving and report how we matched up with our goals (i.e. budget) and what we spent out of our targeted savings accounts. The point is to give you a deeper look into how we spend our money (to provoke discussion) and to provide us some accountability. In April we had three weekends on which we were traveling, so I’ll … Read entire article »
Filed under: month in review
Weekly Update 14

As I mentioned last weekend, we returned from our 5-year college reunion on Monday morning. The rest of this week has been a real struggle between being exhausted from the weekend and re-adjusting to EST. We got back to Kyle’s parents’ house after midnight Thursday – Saturday (PDT of course, 3 AM for our time) so the exhaustion compounded. Anyway, we had a WONDERFUL time seeing our friends, former teachers, and the campus. Nothing too exciting … Read entire article »
Filed under: weekly update
Spend $1600 or Become a One-Car Family?

Irony: My car breaking down the day after writing about our disagreement over carpooling to work! When I published that post on Monday becoming a one-car family seemed a remote possibility, but as of this writing on Tuesday evening we are giving it serious consideration. So much can change in 36 hours! For the last few months, my car has been shaking considerably when its speed exceeds 65 mph. I knew I would eventually need to get … Read entire article »
Filed under: budgeting, cars, choices, emergency fund, targeted savings