Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "whiteboards"
Weekly Update 3

Our week was fairly consumed with dealing with my car. We went to bed Tuesday night without a decision on what to do. We had discussed our options extensively (with whiteboards!) and couldn’t come to a clear resolution, so I left it up to Kyle to decide. He woke up Wednesday morning with a great proposition: commit to the one-car experiment for two weeks without making any other changes, and if that goes well we … Read entire article »
Filed under: weekly update
Spend $1600 or Become a One-Car Family?

Irony: My car breaking down the day after writing about our disagreement over carpooling to work! When I published that post on Monday becoming a one-car family seemed a remote possibility, but as of this writing on Tuesday evening we are giving it serious consideration. So much can change in 36 hours! For the last few months, my car has been shaking considerably when its speed exceeds 65 mph. I knew I would eventually need to get … Read entire article »
Filed under: budgeting, cars, choices, emergency fund, targeted savings