Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "clothing"

Outfitting our Baby with Hand-Me-Down, Borrowed, and Used Stuff

Outfitting our Baby with Hand-Me-Down, Borrowed, and Used Stuff

It’s quite challenging to maintain our frugal nature with DPR on the scene. During my pregnancy, we collected items slowly and with an eye to their cost by shopping consignment stores and sales and judiciously accepting hand-me-downs from friends and relatives. But when DPR arrived five weeks early, we went on an Amazon spending binge to finish obtaining what we thought was the bare minimum of stuff that she would need immediately upon coming home. … Read entire article »

Filed under: family, frugality

Aspiring to Make Money from Our Closet Has Wasted Emotional Energy

Aspiring to Make Money from Our Closet Has Wasted Emotional Energy

There’s nothing like moving to show you how much crap you really own and make you want to become a minimalist!  Just working in our closet, I filled 2 giant trash bags, 1 suitcase, and 2 carry-ons with clothes that we rarely or never wear.  And I’m not even done with that category of clothing.  I’m like, ashamed to even be typing that, even though I’ve already confessed to you that we have too much … Read entire article »

Filed under: choices, psychology

My Best Clothing Purchase Ever

My Best Clothing Purchase Ever

When I was a sophomore in high school, I gave up JV soccer to row with my high school’s crew team.  This activity change warranted a wardrobe change; as loose shorts can easily get caught in the slides beneath the moving seat in the shell, most rowers wear spandex shorts or pants.  I bought several pairs of spandex shorts during high school to wear in practice, but one stands out – they have become my … Read entire article »

Filed under: spending

Our Luxuries

Our Luxuries

I recently started a gratitude/praise journal and it is slowly helping me become more aware of all the “little” things in my life that are truly wonderful that I tend to overlook.  I thought I would list out here the luxuries or indulgences my husband and I enjoy, even on our tight budget.  You’ll probably notice a lot of overlap with our targeted savings accounts here – they tend not to be spontaneous but they are definitely … Read entire article »

Filed under: budgeting, luxuries