Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 20October2013

The big news this week was my guest post over at Get Rich Slowly last Sunday.  I enjoyed the comments so much!  Kyle and I even each got an internet coincidence out of it – GRS is really popular!  😉


Other than that, just tons of work this week.  Kyle is writing feverishly and I’m putting in lots of hours in the lab preparing for an experiment with my collaborators.  The only break in our routine was a dentist appointment, which went smoothly and our wallet is only $252 lighter.  🙂



Posts I Liked


Jacob from iHeartBudgets impresses again with another plan for traveling for free – this one over four cities!


Michelle from Making Sense of Cents and Diversified Finances is now officially self-employed and reflects on her first week.


Gillian from Money After Graduation shares her opinions on destination weddings.


E.M. from Journey to Saving observes the spending habits of her salesmen colleagues.


Tara from Streets Ahead Living is embracing joint finances with her new husband.


Jaclyn explains at Budget Blonde how she and her husband are financially preparing for their first child.





Free From Broke listed What is the Purpose of an Emergency Fund? in the reads to help you avoid burning through all your cash.


nicoleandmaggie made a whole post out of her comment on my post You Should Spend More and Save Less (Especially Grad Students) on income smoothing (great to hear about this from an economist!).


Edward Antrobus linked to Republic Wireless Review in his review of Virgin Mobile.


2 Copper Coins recommended Eliminate Eating Out for Convenience with Batch Cooking in their new to us section.





What is the Purpose of an Emergency Fund? was featured in the Carnival of Financial Independence and the Carnival of Financial Planning.


What Are You Gazelle Intense About? was featured in the Festival of Frugality #404, the Carnival of Financial Camaraderie, and the Carnival of Financial Planning.


You Should Spend More and Save Less (Especially Grad Students) was featured in the Carnival of Personal Finance #435.


Would You Live in Company Housing? was featured in the Yakezie Carnival and the Carnival of Retirement.



Top Comment


Matt Becker from Mom and Dad Money provides a temperate approach on my post that is neither pro- nor anti-credit cards: “I think you need to take a balanced approach with things like this. Obviously some people have a lot of trouble using them responsibly and would be better off leaving them alone. Others, like you guys, can use them responsibly and take advantage of the benefits they offer. I do hesitate just a little bit when I see people speak so strongly about the benefits of churning, not necessarily because I think they aren’t doing it right but more because it tends towards the side of potentially getting people into trouble. The main focus always needs to be on the long-term goals, not the short-term wins.”



Most Frequent Commenters


  1. Edward Antrobus
  2. Michelle @ Making Sense of Cents
  3. Cash Rebel
  4. Done by Forty



Top Blogs Referring to EPF 


  1. Get Rich Slowly
  2. Ready for Zero
  3. Making Sense of Cents


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9 Responses to "Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 20October2013"

  1. E.M. says:

    Thank you for the mention! I just read your GRS post and it was very inspiring. While I’m not in grad school, I can identify with not making that much right out of undergrad. It gives me some hope that I’ll be where you are in a few years!
    E.M. recently posted..Being Grateful – Fourth Edition

    1. Emily says:

      Our situation is definitely an example of slow and steading winning (?) the race, or at least doing OK in the race. I’m glad you could identify with it.

  2. Jacob says:

    Congrats on the GRS post, that’s gotta be a blast! And thanks for the mention, I have so much fun with the travel hacking posts
    Jacob recently posted..How To Travel For Free: 4 Cities in 8 Days

  3. Just read your guest post over at Get Rich Slowly. Great job!
    Holly@ClubThrifty recently posted..The Small House Experiment….in Pictures

  4. Thanks for the mention! I enjoyed your Get Rich Slowly post… really shows how easy it is to invest if you stay committed. I’m much further off than you in our retirement savings but my husband and I are working at it as much as we can.
    Tara @ Streets Ahead Living recently posted..Falling in love with an old love

    1. Emily says:

      We’ve done all this in six years (well, four for my husband) so I know how much progress is possible in a short period of time!

  5. Thanks so much for linking to Jaclyn’s guest post

  6. […] took the time to share my posts this past week: Laurie from The Frugal Farmer, Staying On Budget, Emily from Evolving PF, Romona from Monasez, Connie from Savvy With Saving, and Adam from Stop Worrying About […]

  7. […] took the time to share my posts this past week: Laurie from The Frugal Farmer, Staying On Budget, Emily from Evolving PF, Romona from Monasez, Connie from Savvy With Saving, and Adam from Stop Worrying About […]

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