Evolving Personal Finance » net worth
A Year of Net Worth Tracking

On October 1, 2015, I created a spreadsheet for tracking our net worth broken out by our various accounts. While Mint has been tracking our technical net worth since Kyle and I got married and combined our finances, I consider our true net worth to be slightly different, and those differences were large enough last fall that I wanted a separate place to keep track. (Our “technical” net worth is all our monetary assets minus all … Read entire article »
Filed under: net worth
What Triggers Frugality: Net Worth or Income?

My mindset toward frugality has changed quite a bit even during the few short years I’ve been blogging. While I’ve never felt poor, Kyle and I used to be very careful with our money. I mean, we would still do a lot of things like travel domestically and pay for entertainment, but we would be very deliberate and tight in how we went about it. We traveled to Chicago to attend a wedding, for instance, but road-tripped … Read entire article »
Filed under: frugality, funemployment, income, net worth, targeted savings
Who Has Seen You Financially Nude?

I’m in the process of preparing a guest post for a large blog (I’m cold-emailing, so you can hope that it will be accepted!) and as a part of the post I state our net worth. While I do spending updates here every month, per Kyle’s request I am a little cagey about how much we save (we stick with percentages) and we’ve never said exactly how much we have in savings. So it’s a … Read entire article »
Filed under: net worth
What’s the Point of Calculating Net Worth?

I enjoy reading other PF bloggers’ monthly reports on their net worth progress, whether they use real numbers or percentage increases. I haven’t so far written a net worth post or series for us and as of now I don’t plan to. I just don’t see how it would be interesting or informative in our situation. So I’ll bore you with one post instead of with a series. Here are the components that contribute to our … Read entire article »
Filed under: net worth, savings, stock market