Evolving Personal Finance » stock market
My Sister’s Awesome Financial Decisions

I don’t talk about my family of origin a lot on this blog (for privacy reasons) but I want to suspend that policy for today’s post to brag about my sister. My sister is 25 and not a nerd. Like, I’m a nerd, right? I went to a nerd high school and a nerd college and now I’m doing a PhD in engineering and I picked up an interest in PF along the way, which … Read entire article »
Filed under: college, debt, family, goals, investing, retirement, savings, stock market
Trying Hard to Not Time the Market

Kyle and I have a decision to make! We have some subsidized and deferred student loan debt (i.e. sitting at 0%) and we also have the full amount of money we need to pay off these loans set aside. Most of that money is invested in mutual funds, but about $6,000 is in a CD that is maturing this month. When we first allocated our savings, we knew we should be conservative because we had a … Read entire article »
Filed under: debt, investing, savings, stock market
What’s the Point of Calculating Net Worth?

I enjoy reading other PF bloggers’ monthly reports on their net worth progress, whether they use real numbers or percentage increases. I haven’t so far written a net worth post or series for us and as of now I don’t plan to. I just don’t see how it would be interesting or informative in our situation. So I’ll bore you with one post instead of with a series. Here are the components that contribute to our … Read entire article »
Filed under: net worth, savings, stock market
My Strategy for Market Volatility

2011 was an incredibly volatile year in the stock market. It seems like every day the indices move at least a percent. What’s a long-term, buy-and-hold investor to do? I have heard financial advisors suggest that you only check your portfolio balance once per year to prevent freaking out. I used to check my IRA balance about once per month to record my progress. Now that I listen to APM’s Marketplace daily I always know what’s going on … Read entire article »
Filed under: psychology, stock market
Psyching Out My IRA
For the last six months or so I’ve wanted to max out my IRA. Like, I’m dying to. I’ve looked at our budget numerous times, attempting theoretical cuts here and there that could get me to the limit. I took my contribution from just under 10% of my gross income to about 16% but going the rest of the way is just not happening. Why do I want to max out my IRA? Two psychological precepts … Read entire article »
Filed under: budgeting, goals, retirement, savings, stock market