Evolving Personal Finance » self-employment
Avoiding an Expensive 401(k) Plan through Self-Employment

Kyle finally received the 401(k) plan information from his new employer about 6 weeks after starting work. When he told me the plan offered American funds, my heart sank! The stereotype I have about American funds is that they have loads and high expense ratios. When we looked at the plan documentation, we didn’t find any load disclosures (thankfully), but the expense ratios were approximately an order of magnitude higher than what we have in … Read entire article »
Filed under: retirement, self-employment
Am I a Work-at-Home Wife or a Stay-at-Home Wife?

Last week, in a bid to be more organized with my time, I laid out a template for how I would like to spend my time each workday. It uses high-level categories to remind me to work on various aspects of my business each day. This is a switch-over for me from using only to-do lists, as I would allow myself the ‘out’ of working on the more urgent or enjoyable items and never get … Read entire article »
Filed under: self-employment
Summer 2015 Update on My Business

I just returned from my first speaking engagement of the fall so I thought I would give you a proper run-down of what has been happening with my new business over the past several months. I’ve discussed how my PhD prepared me for entrepreneurship and pointed you to my speaking site a few times in the past, but haven’t yet told you exactly what my objective is or how I’m doing. I guess I haven’t wanted … Read entire article »
Filed under: self-employment
How My PhD Prepared Me for Entrepreneurship

Today I’m launching the first post in each of two new series over on Grad Student Finances. The first post in the side job series is from a student who worked part-time for an investor relations firm. The first post in the reader posts series is on why one grad student is motivated to save aggressively. I didn’t quite know it at the time, but last fall, just after my PhD defense, I started a business teaching … Read entire article »
Filed under: grad school, self-employment
I Never Aimed for Self-Employment, But Here I Am

I am officially throwing my hat into the self-employment ring from now through summer 2015 (at least). I never thought I would be at this point, but over the last six months I’ve found something I really enjoy doing, and I want to see if I can earn a living from it. Kyle and I are also still anticipating moving in the near future (destination TBD), so it’s not a great time for me to … Read entire article »
Filed under: blogging, funemployment, grad school, self-employment