Evolving Personal Finance » travel
Decisions We Are Wrestling With

Over the past few weeks we have had a few financial opportunities and decisions crop up and we’re taking our time trying to decide what to do in each situation. I’d like to take this post to share with you what’s been going on with us. Wedding We were invited to a wedding in Chicago (black tie!) at the end of June and we’ve been going back and forth about whether to attend. The wedding itself should … Read entire article »
Mini-Vacation Financials: Smoky Mountains Trip for a Wedding

This post as a case study example of how we use our Travel savings account to have a fun (and not too extravagant) weekend away for a wedding and to share some photos from our weekend! The Plan Kyle and I received a wedding invitation a few months ago from one of our very best college friends for her wedding in the Smoky Mountains. Of course we knew we would attend so we just had to decide … Read entire article »
Frequent Flyer Programs: Have We Been Missing Out?

While I have been flying several times per year for the last nine years, I never considered myself loyal to any one airline. We are almost always flying for weddings or other events so our dates are inflexible and we choose flights strictly based on timing and price, not what airline is operating the flight. (Although I do love when a direct flight on Jet Blue or Virgin is the cheapest!) Because I never practiced … Read entire article »