Evolving Personal Finance » weekly update

Weekly Update 31

Weekly Update 31

This week was totally consumed by moving “all the little stuff” from our old apartment to our new townhouse.  We took care of all the furniture last weekend with the help of friends, so it seemed like we just had the loose ends of the bathrooms and closets to bring over.  But we really underestimated the time needed – we worked on moving things every night this week for several hours!   The other strange thing about … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 30

Weekly Update 30

We’re moving this weekend.  And I have lab meeting on Monday.  What else can I say?     Posts I Liked   Average Joe from The Free Financial Advisor explains that getting out of debt (alone) isn’t a goal.   Michelle from See Debt Run recalls a professor who claimed that her homemade, organic spaghetti sauce was cheaper than Spaghetti-Os, so Michelle runs the numbers on one of her own crock-pot beef stews and finds that it was only $0.60/serving.   Money Life and … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 29

Weekly Update 29

Spent the week relaxing in the Outer Banks with Kyle, my parents, and my siblings!  Nice vacation in advance of this craziness over the next two weeks: moving, preparing for and giving lab meeting, and starting classes!     Posts I Liked   Kraig from Young, Cheap Living explained very well all the reasons that he tracks his (and you should track your) spending.   Jason from Work Save Live explains how to set up a functional budget with a highly irregular income … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 28

We weren’t particularly busy with activities this week, which was great!  We spent a lot of time working in preparation for leaving for our WEEK-LONG BEACH VACATION starting today!  Posting will go on as normal but I may or may not be responsive with comments.  I’m hoping for a very relaxing week that will include lots of time for blogging (this is a hobby I still enjoy!) but certainly I’m going to take long stretches away from my computer to enjoy the sun and surf.  When we get back we’ll have one week before we start our moving process and school starts!  I’m actually taking a class this semester – first time in two years – and I have a book list and everything, which feels very strange.     Posts I Liked   Eric … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 27

Weekly Update 27

We had a very busy week!  I started a time inventory last Sunday so I’ve been unusually productive because of keeping those records, particularly at work.  It seems I spend a lot of time.  I had a good meeting with my advisor this week – he’s been out of town most of the summer so we haven’t communicated much – as well as a great meeting with some of our collaborators and I’m feeling very … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 26

Thanks for your encouragement last week on starting financial coaching through my church!  This week I arranged THREE practice sessions with members of my small group and I was offered my first real clients!  I’ll meet with them next week and I hope I’ll be able to help them.  The man in charge of the volunteers told me that the vast majority of people just need someone to listen to them, pray with them, and help them set up a budget – I think I can do those things.   This week we helped one of our friends move and it was very eye-opening in advance of our move!  We had to get all of her and her roommate’s belongings into a UHaul to go across town because she was leaving town … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 25

The big news this week is that I am probably going to get involved in a little bit of financial coaching!  I contacted the head of counseling services at my church about serving in the financial component of the premarital counseling ministry (which Kyle and I thought was great when we went through it).  He suggested one-on-one meetings with engaged couples as a way to start.  Then, on Saturday, I attended a 3-hour financial boot camp put on by volunteers at our church, and when I introduced myself to them after the seminar they were excited to add me to their group of counselors.  I was concerned about, you know, being a layperson with no training or experience, but they didn’t seem to be.  They said that 90% of what … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 24

We have a place to live starting in August!  We signed a lease and paid the security deposit last Sunday.  It’s a townhouse, over $100 less per month than what we’re paying now, 1200 square feet (same as our current place), and closer to school and church.  It’s in exactly the neighborhood we were hoping for!  We have about a week overlap between our two places so we can move as slow as we would like.   I had a pretty good week at work – I learned some new things and tweaked a protocol that should get my research moving again.  I really enjoyed the workshop I attended and I started feeling positive about pursuing consulting after my PhD again.  Now to get more “leadership experience”…   This Saturday we participated in our … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 23

Weekly Update 23

Phew!  We have had a busy week!   We were in Chicago through Wednesday visiting friends and sight-seeing.  I’ll put up a post about the expenses we incurred on that vacation as soon as I crunch the numbers and compare them with our estimates.  We were so exhausted that instead of going into the city on our last day we just slept all day – now that’s a vacation!   When we got back to Durham we had to … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 22

Kyle and I are in Chicago!  We left on Friday and are returning home on Wednesday.  I think posting will go as usual but I won’t be responsive to comments or commenting on other blogs until we get back.  I have enjoyed reading all your comments, particularly on my thoughts on my “class,” and I’ll respond to them as soon as I find some time.   We are unusually unprepared for this vacation because of all the car-repairing and apartment-hunting we’ve done in the last couple weeks, so we’re kind of flying by the seat of our pants day-by-day.  I’ll share the trip with you more fully (including the $$, of course) a bit after we return.     Posts I Liked   Get Rich Slowly featured an audition piece that generated a lot of vehement comments that … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update