Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "basketball"
November 2015 Budget Report

Good things about this month: I had two speaking gigs and finalized one last booking for 2015 college basketball has started we celebrated Thanksgiving twice with local friends we saw a friend from Durham while he was in town for a conference there have been some sunny days We did a pretty good job with our spending, too, even with Thanksgiving! We booked our Christmas travel and are really looking forward to that trip. Sources of Income Our budget is based on two … Read entire article »
Filed under: month in review
Awesome Comments and Posts 1-14Nov 2014
The last two weeks have been pretty good ones around the EPF household! Basketball season has started! I have my own season ticket this year to the men’s home games (in the past I’ve split one with other people) and so far Kyle has been able to tag along to games as well. We have some pretty amazing freshmen, though of course I try to not get too attached to those kinds of players. I resolved to make it to one football game this season as well, and it looks like it’s going to be the one against our Big (Basketball) Rival. I gave my PF-for-grad students seminar this last Thursday. I think it went well, although it wasn’t as well-attended as the registration number had led me to think it would … Read entire article »
Filed under: weekly update
Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 2 March 2014
Kyle is dissertating like a madman and it’s taking over our lives! He is literally attending zero activities outside of church and is working nearly every waking hour. He didn’t even watch The Big Rivalry Game with our basketball group last night!! (That is a huge sacrifice!) I have been feeling a little neglected and lonely (my primary love language is quality time) so Kyle took me out on a proper date on Friday evening, which was lovely. Well, being together was lovely. Our expectation for the restaurant was probably too high (some say it’s the best burger in Durham – I don’t think so but if it isn’t that’s kind of sad) and we were accosted by a homeless person as we walked back to our car which was … Read entire article »
Filed under: weekly update
Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 12January2014
This week Kyle and I went to two basketball games! We’d only been to a couple so far this season because we drew so many ACC games. We ended up with two Ws but one of them was a nail-biter, so that was fun to be present for. We were able to bring friends from our church small group to both because there’s a very generous guest policy in place right now. I had an idea for a new website a week or so ago and this weekend Kyle and I bought the domain! It’s not a blog, just a little side project. I’m excited to announce it here when it’s ready to go up and I hope you all will contribute to it and/or help promote it! That’s all I’ll … Read entire article »
Filed under: weekly update
Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 24November2013

Lots of updates this week as I skipped this post last Sunday! 1) Last weekend we were at my parents’ place for Thanksgiving, which was a great visit as usual. The spectacular point was my 10-year high school reunion. It was wonderful to spend time with so many friends and acquaintances, some of whom I still have active relationships with and some of whom I haven’t seen in 10 years! Several people told me that they … Read entire article »
Filed under: weekly update
Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 24Mar2013

HAPPY EASTER! Hallelujah, He is Risen!!! Easter is my #1 most favorite time of the year because of the focus on Jesus’s Resurrection. My conversion from atheism to Christianity five years ago turned on my coming to understand that the Resurrection was a real historical event. At its core, Christianity depends on this one event – no matter all the theology that’s been built up, all the emotional experiences of individuals, or all the arguments for … Read entire article »
Filed under: weekly update
Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 10Mar2013
This week was spring break – of course that doesn’t mean anything changed schedule-wise for me and Kyle, but campus was just a bit empty. I found a really exciting paper and I want to implement the method in our lab, so I decided to give it to my undergrad to work on – Kyle said “Look at you, delegating like a PI!” I’m still trying to get comfortable in the whole mentor role thing. Our weekend plans were pretty well ruined by our team getting knocked out of our conference tournament early! We’re really bummed about that but hope it’s a wake-up call so they get it together for the big dance. Posts I Liked My Money Design lays out several wealth creation strategies. Kraig from Young Cheap Living details how to use … Read entire article »
Filed under: weekly update
Weekly Update 50
Kyle and I had a busy week socially on top of our intense work schedule. My prelim document is due tomorrow and my presentation is two weeks from tomorrow, so there will be a few guest posts on the blog so that I can take a break from generating content. On Tuesday evening Kyle and I saw Mary Poppins at our local theater. It was a good show – I liked how they translated the magical elements to the stage – but it was too child-friendly for my taste. On Wednesday we watched our university play its rivalry basketball game with friends (and were pleased with the outcome!). On Friday I went to a little seminar on consulting and actually learned some new things even though I’ve been to many of … Read entire article »
Filed under: weekly update
Weekly Update 41
I can’t put my finger on exactly why, but I just feel like I had a great week! I took some confusing data from my projects that are making me think deeply about my system. I completed my certification to use a tunneling electron microscope. Kyle and I attended an AMAZING home basketball game (a bit unexpectedly – last minute tickets). I couldn’t see worth anything but I love the atmosphere. We went to a great party last night – lots of time hanging out with our friends and the best round of telephone pictionary I’ve ever been part of. I got back in the gym for a heavy weights workout. I went shopping yesterday for the first week of our reduced-grocery-spending month. I went to 5 stores in 2.5 hours and spend over half our … Read entire article »
Filed under: weekly update
Weekly Update 8
Pretty normal week again – lots of work. I had another project application added to my work and I met with our new collaborators this week, so that was very interesting. We planned an initial experiment that should happen in a couple weeks. Kyle has been staying up late coding, which is more difficult now that we’re driving to work together. I had lunch with a friend this week and I explained to her the guidelies of the diet I used to lose 40 lbs last year. Only a few people have seriously inquired about my methods and one has implemented it very successfully. We also had two friends over to watch some of the NCAA tournament and play games on Saturday night. Lots of basketball-watching generally this week. I attended a … Read entire article »
Filed under: weekly update