Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "California"
Weekly Update 44
Kyle and I flew to California this week for our Christmas vacation! We had two normal days at work, then drove to northern Virginia on Tuesday evening and flew out early Wednesday morning. Since then we’ve been hanging out with Kyle’s parents and seeing our friends from college. I’m so glad all our shopping is done and we just have to wrap the presents that arrive every day and make peanut butter balls to add … Read entire article »
Filed under: weekly update
What Do You Want Your Life to Be Like in Five Years?

Today I want to hear from you about your dreams and ambitions! Tell me how you envision yourself living five years from now. What do you want to accomplish in that time? What transitions will you go through? In five years Kyle and I will be thirty-two! I see us on a beach near San Diego playing with our 1-2 small children. We both have PhDs; Kyle has finished one postdoc and has a research position … Read entire article »
Filed under: transitions, values