Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "cheap"
Would You Fly with Spirit Airlines?

Spirit Airlines is a discount airline that keeps its base prices low by providing only a ride from A to B and charging a la carte for every other service provided. Most of what I hear about Sprit Airlines in the media or in the blogosphere is that they are pulling a terrible bait-and-switch on their customers by luring them in with low base prices and then charging for all the services most airlines include … Read entire article »
My New Frugal/Cheap Cell Phone Plan

I’ve hinted on here a few times that I have a plan for getting a smartphone while reducing my cell phone costs but hadn’t implemented it yet – it finally looks like my new plan will be starting soon! Several months ago I got in line for a spot in Republic Wireless‘s beta wave, which just reopened a week ago. Signing up with a new company with a new cell model is rather risky as the plan … Read entire article »
Frugal Tips That Go Too Far

I consider myself a frugal person. I like finding ways to cut back on our expenses so that we can put money toward our goals or fun activities/purchases. However, I often come across frugal tips that make me think “No way!” Either the trade-offs don’t make financial sense, I find the alternate activity unpalatable for some reason, or it just wouldn’t work in our family – whatever the reason, I’ve read plenty of tips that … Read entire article »
Filed under: frugality