Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "engagement"



On the same day I posted that I was taking some time away from EPF and the PF blogosphere, I had a long talk with one of my good local friends who also reads EPF (hi AM!). She told me that it wasn’t surprising to her that I freaked out about my future with blogging after FinCon14, given that I defended less than two months ago and recently became funemployed and don’t know where I’ll … Read entire article »

Filed under: blogging

Financial Disclosure Before and After Engagement

Financial Disclosure Before and After Engagement

Kyle and I never had to sit down to have any one big money disclosure talk.  We started dating in college so we saw one another go through the transformation from dependent on our parents to being independent adults, with all the minor steps that happened along the way.  We talked over our stipend offers for grad school, possible places to rent, how I was dealing with my student loan and car debt, and where … Read entire article »

Filed under: marriage