Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "grad students"
You Should Spend More and Save Less (Especially Grad Students)

The same episode of Freakonomics that I wrote about last week contained another segment that I thought worthy of comment here (and actually there is one more!). Levitt told Dubner some advice that he received from an older faculty member when he was just starting out as a professor of economics: “You should spend more and save less. You’re never going to be poorer than you are today… Your salary would only go up and your … Read entire article »
Filed under: career, grad school, savings, spending
Have You Even Been without Health Insurance?

Earlier this week NPR did a Q&A for clarifications on the ACA and there were a couple regarding college and graduate students, which caught my ear for sure. Apparently, it has been confirmed that university-provided student health insurance counts as having health insurance for the ACA – I didn’t know that was a question at all, but it’s good to know. I also found out that if you earn so little money that you don’t … Read entire article »
Filed under: grad school, insurance
Tax Lies Told to Graduate Students

Update February 2016: This short post has been expanded to a 10-part series of common grad student tax lies on Grad Student Finances. Check it out for more detail, explanation, applicability, references, etc.! My little university community service project for this fall is working with a staff member to compile a comprehensive reference document for graduate students preparing to file their taxes. The purpose is to help graduate students make sense of the tax-related forms they … Read entire article »
Filed under: grad school, taxes
Awesome Financial Benefits to Being a Grad Student (and Terrible Detriments)
So, graduate school kind of sucks – especially Ph.D.s because they go on forever. (Can you tell I’ve been at it a while?) However, there are definitely some financial benefits to being in school, particularly the kind of school that pays you to be there (though not nearly as much as we’d be getting in the real world). Kyle and I collaborated on this list, but we’re represent a small slice of grad student experiences. … Read entire article »
Filed under: budgeting, grad school