Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "health insurance"
First Job Problems: Which Health Insurance Plan Should I Choose?
Similar to two weeks ago when we discussed whether to enroll Kyle in his 401(k), we have a choice to make regarding Kyle’s benefits at his new job, or rather whether I should use one of his benefits. Unlike with the 401(k), we have no idea which option is best and we’re running out of time to decide! I found out a couple weeks ago that even though I’m going to be a student through the … Read entire article »
Filed under: insurance
Left to Unwellness
Our health insurance rolled over at the start of this month, taking with it the wellness program I’ve participated in for the last year and a half. The wellness program paid me $1.00 for every week that I ate five servings of fruits and vegetables five or more days and $0.37 per 30-minute workout, up to once per day. There were other program options, such as smoking cessation, but the food and workouts ones and … Read entire article »
Filed under: insurance
Disagreement Over Grad Student Health Insurance Taxes
If you want to read an updated version of this post, see Grad Student Tax Lie #6: You don’t have to pay tax on the scholarship that pays your health insurance premium on Personal Finance for PhDs. Kyle and I haven’t filed our taxes yet this year – perhaps because of laziness/procrastination but chiefly because we haven’t yet agreed on our reportable income! The “income” under question is the money used for our health insurance. One … Read entire article »
Filed under: grad school, taxes