Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "investments"
A Year of Net Worth Tracking

On October 1, 2015, I created a spreadsheet for tracking our net worth broken out by our various accounts. While Mint has been tracking our technical net worth since Kyle and I got married and combined our finances, I consider our true net worth to be slightly different, and those differences were large enough last fall that I wanted a separate place to keep track. (Our “technical” net worth is all our monetary assets minus all … Read entire article »
Filed under: net worth
February 2015 Money Puddle and Spending Report

Finally FINALLY FINALLY we are in the black for this month! What a difference having two incomes makes! I had half a month of income from my fellowship (1/6 of the total for the 3-month period since I started on January 20) and all of my December contract work income, which was my highest ever at $1,208 for the month. Kyle had his normal postdoc income. While our spending was higher than was typical for us … Read entire article »
Filed under: month in review
What’s the Point of Calculating Net Worth?

I enjoy reading other PF bloggers’ monthly reports on their net worth progress, whether they use real numbers or percentage increases. I haven’t so far written a net worth post or series for us and as of now I don’t plan to. I just don’t see how it would be interesting or informative in our situation. So I’ll bore you with one post instead of with a series. Here are the components that contribute to our … Read entire article »
Filed under: net worth, savings, stock market