Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "papers"
Dreaming of Financial Incentives for Grad Students

Last night I literally dreamed about how my progress through my PhD might have been different if there were financial incentives in place. In the last few weeks I’ve been reflecting on what I wish I had done differently during grad school; I’m in that super-jaded place that a lot of people get to around the time that they defend. I have found myself wishing that there had been clearer expectations set out by my advisor, … Read entire article »
Filed under: grad school
Proposed Series: Literature Review of Joint and Separate Accounts

During a conversation with my officemate about the diversity of comments concerning joint and separate money within marriage, she told me that during college she had read a sociology paper on the ideal number of accounts for a married couple (as she recalled, 5). It had not occurred to me that such topics would have been studied by researchers but I was immediately excited about the prospect of learning about such work. During college I … Read entire article »
Filed under: budgeting, marriage, the literature