Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "podcast"
Financial Heroes or Financial Zeros?

I hope this post doesn’t come off as too mean-spirited. I love listening to personal podcasts (non-NPR/APM) partially because you get to know the hosts rather intimately over many episodes. One of my current favorite podcasts is hosted by a married couple and they talk about their life and relationship quite a bit. Over the course of a hundred or so episodes, I’ve picked up a lot of tidbits about this couple’s financial situation, and … Read entire article »
Judge John Hodgman on Frugality

One of my favorite podcasts currently is Judge John Hodgman (JJHo). The premise of the show is that John Hodgman (of The Daily Show and The Areas of My Expertise) hears “cases” brought by regular Joes and issues judgements. The cases are often silly and relatable, such a wife who wants to get chickens but her husband doesn’t and a man who wants his friend to stop smoking ecigarettes in sports stadiums. It took me … Read entire article »