Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "side income"
What to Do with Side Income

Admonitions to ‘earn more’ are fairly rampant in the PF blogosphere (of course, balanced by the ‘spend less’ mindset). I read all the time about bloggers’ and commenters’ side hustles and what they do with their extra money. We have not been immune to this trend, either – a few years ago, Kyle started earning a small side income from a hobby job, and when I stopped working full-time last August, I developed a variable … Read entire article »
Looking on the Bright Side of a Tough Financial Situation

After my Eeyore post from Wednesday on the reasons I’m experiencing financial ennui, I thought it would be nice to kind of give myself a kick in the butt to try to re-energize about our finances in a minor way while we’re still here in Durham. In this post, I’m going to list the positive things we have done in our finances since our defenses last summer, however small they may be, and some tiny goals. Good … Read entire article »
Filed under: budgeting, frugality, goals, income, side income