Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "smartphone"
Who Is the Accountability Partner for What?

I had an interesting conversation with a couple of my FPU students a couple weeks ago. I was telling them about how much I like Republic Wireless and they asked if I am planning to upgrade my phone when they release the new one. I said that Kyle has been pushing me to upgrade but that I didn’t see the need – to me upgrading a functional smartphone after only one year of use seems … Read entire article »
Filed under: lifestyle creep, marriage, spending
Republic Wireless Graduates from Beta and Offers the Moto X

Over a year ago when I was looking for a new cell phone I heard about Republic Wireless, a company trying to offer something new in the cellular market. The main premise of Republic Wireless’s business model is that there are wireless networks all around us (especially at home and work) and we should be taking advantage of them. Most businesses these days use voice over IP (VoIP) for their telephone needs. When cell phones … Read entire article »
Republic Wireless Review

Last August I told you that I signed up to get a smartphone through Republic Wireless, a new company with a different business model for providing cell services. I received my new phone in December and I thought it was high time to write a review! Go back to our previous post for more detail, but briefly: Republic Wireless utilizes available wireless internet to cut cell expenses for its customers. Customers are required to register at … Read entire article »
Filed under: frugality
Weekly Update 31

This week was totally consumed by moving “all the little stuff” from our old apartment to our new townhouse. We took care of all the furniture last weekend with the help of friends, so it seemed like we just had the loose ends of the bathrooms and closets to bring over. But we really underestimated the time needed – we worked on moving things every night this week for several hours! The other strange thing about … Read entire article »
Filed under: weekly update
Toeing into the E in EPF

I thought I’d take this Friday post to update you all on the random money goings-on around the EPF household. We are gearing up for our first financial transition, moving from the apartment Kyle’s lived in for 5 years (and I for 2 years) to a townhouse that’s both cheaper and closer to school and church. In addition we’ve had some other small bumps in the road and changes and are looking forward to some … Read entire article »
Filed under: budgeting, credit cards, targeted savings, transitions, travel