Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "speaking"
Trading Money for Time: Our First Babysitting Hire

Those of us working jobs and earning an income are “trading time for money.” This is explicitly obvious if you are an hourly worker, but it’s still largely true for salaried workers. The alternative to trading time for money is to have money come in based on your investments – monetary, property, or perhaps time. It’s a less direct exchange of time for money, and sometimes frees you to spend little to no time on … Read entire article »
Filed under: choices, parenthood, self-employment
Summer 2015 Update on My Business

I just returned from my first speaking engagement of the fall so I thought I would give you a proper run-down of what has been happening with my new business over the past several months. I’ve discussed how my PhD prepared me for entrepreneurship and pointed you to my speaking site a few times in the past, but haven’t yet told you exactly what my objective is or how I’m doing. I guess I haven’t wanted … Read entire article »
Filed under: self-employment
I Never Aimed for Self-Employment, But Here I Am

I am officially throwing my hat into the self-employment ring from now through summer 2015 (at least). I never thought I would be at this point, but over the last six months I’ve found something I really enjoy doing, and I want to see if I can earn a living from it. Kyle and I are also still anticipating moving in the near future (destination TBD), so it’s not a great time for me to … Read entire article »
Filed under: blogging, funemployment, grad school, self-employment
My Speaking Website (with Video!)
I don’t have a real post for you today because Kyle and I have been working hard on the speaking side of things: My speaking website is now online! (Done with Goal 4b!) It’s super simple right now but includes outlines of my talks and a handful of video clips from my Duke presentation last November. Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments of this post! I am writing a bunch of pitch emails to student groups and administrators at various universities, and it takes significant time to research exactly who I need to contact at each place (both student groups and administrators). If you want to help me with my research by putting me in contact with the right person/group at YOUR university, please email me (evolvingPF at … Read entire article »
Filed under: side income