Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "weddings"
Mini-Vacation Financials: Madison, WI for a Wedding

We traveled to Madison, WI from July 4 to July 7 for a wedding and to see some friends. This trip was very different from the ones we usually take (like our recent trip to Boston) and really made me appreciate both styles of travel. I really liked downtown Madison, probably mostly because it’s summer – great weather and not so many college kids! Usually when we travel for events like weddings we couch-surf and try … Read entire article »
Attend Weddings But Don’t Go into Debt

Wedding season is upon us! I love marriage and I love attending weddings to spend time with and support our friends and family. That’s why I initially felt sympathy for Christopher Sledzik, the face that CNN put on its recent article on the rising cost of wedding attendance and the pressure friends and family feel to attend. Like Sledzik, we are also 27 and in the last three years have devoted all our vacation time … Read entire article »
Filed under: choices, credit cards, debt, marriage, savings, targeted savings, travel
How to Spend Less When Attending Out-of-Town Weddings

In a 48-hour period last week, we received two unexpected wedding invitations, heard about two more engagements, and attended a pre-wedding event – all for weddings occurring this summer! We had thought it was going to be another slow wedding season for us, but we are now planning to attend at least two out-of-town weddings – one in Boston and the other in Madison, WI. Since 2010, we have attended TEN out-of-town weddings. We want to … Read entire article »
Filed under: family, food, frugality, marriage, personal, travel
When Did We Acquire All This Cash?

When Kyle and I arrived home from our honeymoon in June 2010, our non-property net worth consisted of: our Roth IRAs around $16,500 in savings accounts/CDs a bit in checking the money we received as wedding gifts $16,000 in student loans We had just spent between $10,000 and $20,000 on our rings, our honeymoon, and our portion of the wedding expenses. We felt like we were starting from zero, in cash anyway. That summer we put in CDs the amount of … Read entire article »
Filed under: personal, targeted savings
Who Paid for Your Wedding?

I have a little “just curious” post today on paying for weddings! Kyle and I dated for a long time without many future intentions but implemented our decision to get married relatively quickly (it about nine months from the decision to move toward engagement to the wedding day). Therefore there really wasn’t much time to consider how the wedding would go down before we were thrust into actually planning it – I can’t even remember what … Read entire article »
Filed under: marriage
Choosing Our Own Destination

I couldn’t have imagined this two years ago but it seems to have arrived: Kyle and I have zero pending wedding invitations! And not even any engaged friends to whose weddings we are confident we will be invited. We love attending weddings and especially love attending weddings to which we need to travel because that almost always means we get to see far-flung friends. We RSVP yes whenever we possibly can and regret all the weddings … Read entire article »
Filed under: travel
Easing the Financial Burden on Wedding Attendants

Being asked to be a bridesmaid or groomsman in a friend or family member’s wedding is a major honor, but it can come with a major price tag. Last spring, WeddingChannel.com estimated that the average cost of serving as a bridesmaid is now nearly $1,700. The cost for young adults to be bridesmaids or groomsmen, particularly ones who have been asked to stand in several weddings per year, can be so substantial that it’s reasonable … Read entire article »