HuffPoLive Segment on Boomerang Kids Paying Rent

Today I participated in a HuffPost Live segment with Erin from Broke Millennial that was inspired by her great post on why parents should charge their boomerang kids rent.  Erin asked me to join her as someone who paid a rent-equivalent while I lived with my parents post-college.  So for those of you who are curious about my and Erin’s faces/voices, the segment is embedded below.  It was supposed to be 20-25 minutes but was cut to about 10 – can you tell I didn’t get all my talking points in?  😉



About a year ago I wrote two posts of my own about boomerang kids, based on my experience as one:

Boomerang Kids, Listen Up: It’s Not All about You

How to Be an Exemplary Boomerang Kid


Thanks so much for asking me to join you, Erin!  It was fun!


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3 Responses to "HuffPoLive Segment on Boomerang Kids Paying Rent"

  1. I was a boomerang kid myself for a year….and I paid rent. I also paid for my car, and my car insurance, and cell phone. Those items more often than not are paid for by parents long after kids leave home.
    Blair@LifeDollarsandSense recently posted..Living Below My Means- Spending Below Average on Housing

    1. Emily says:

      I think most people consider living with their parents post-college to be so horrifying a prospect that they wouldn’t do it unless there was a serious monetary advantage! What motivated your choice to live with your parents?

  2. Thanks for being willing to join in! I had a great time!
    Broke Millennial recently posted..Millennials, Don’t Take Financial Advice From Your Parents

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