Evolving Personal Finance » weekly update

Weekly Update 21

Kyle and I are gearing up for our trip to Chicago next weekend.  We have planned where we’re staying each night of our trip (only paying for one!) but don’t yet know what sights we’ll see/activites we’ll do each day (suggestions welcome!).  We have a lot of research and planning and shopping yet to do, but at least our wedding attire is already taken care of.   We have also started looking for a new place to live.  Our apartment complex is raising our rent significantly so we wanted to research what else is available at what price ranges so we can either effectively negotiate with the leasing office or find something else we like.  We need to make a decision in the next week or two about whether or not to … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 20

I gave lab meeting on Monday (hence why Kyle posted that day!) and that went well.  My advisor has been away for several weeks and seemed please with my progress when we talked.  My research the rest of the week wasn’t so hot but I’m still riding high from that feedback early in the week.   We went out to dinner (sort of) on Monday night to celebrate a friend’s birthday and then out again for a trivia night at a local bar on Tuesday, so that was a lot of restaurant spending for us in a short amount of time!  This week I also met with a friend to coach her a bit on her finances.  I’ve realized that I’m a problem solver – that’s what I like about science and … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 19

Slow week for us!  I’ve been procrastinating preparing for my lab meeting presentation this coming Monday.  The only out of the ordinary thing we did this week aside from returning from our trip to the NC mountains last week was to see West Side Story at our local theater.  It was the first time I’d ever seen a live production of the show, and it was a lot more vulgar than I was expecting!  Maybe the language and/or choreography has been updated.  Also, much of the dialogue spoken and lyrics sung by the Puerto Rican characters was in Spanish, which was a bit surprising but I guess felt more authentic.  However, since we’re not fluent in Spanish it was a bit hard to follow the longer/faster stretches – more like seeing an … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 18

Right now we are in the mountains of North Carolina on a retreat with our graduate Christian group!  We’ve been hiking and swimming and hanging out and having a lovely time.  We also had a really good small group meeting this week and I had one really successful morning at work!   This week I attended my first meeting of the financial literacy committee at my university.  They recently launched a website and have been putting on workshops related to personal finance for the last few years.  I’m excited to see how I can get involved!     Posts I Liked   John from Married (with Debt) describes private mortgage insurance as a shadow debt.   The Happy Homeowner wrote at The College Investor some insights into developing an emergency fund.   Melissa from Bible Money Matters argues for continuing to … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 17

Low-key week for us.  The only out-of-the-ordinary event was a going-away party for some close friends of ours.  We used to be in a church small group together so we got all the members of the group from when it disbanded together.  It was a lovely evening and a great reminder to capitalize on the time we have with our friends while we still live near them!   Kyle and I finally returned our long-held DVDs to Netflix, so we watched our two new received films this weekend.  On Friday we watched Bridesmaids and we were really disappointed!  The movie got such good reviews but we just found it very sad and not nearly as funny as some of Apatow’s other movies.  I also think that movies with SNL stars are a … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 16

Weekly Update 16

We had an unusually busy week for after-work events!  And almost all of them were church/fellowship related. Monday: We helped prepare a dinner for 200 people at a local homeless shelter with a group from our church.  Chiefly, I opened about 22 cans of black beans (and helped heat 67) an opened and organized Oreos. Tuesday: We attended a lovely event honoring the preparing for marriage ministry at our church.  We went through the program two years … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 15

Last Sunday and Monday I went to a departmental retreat near-ish to the NC coast.  While it’s never been an awesome time, I had the most fun this year of any of the four I have attended.  We got a very nice carpool group together for the 7 hours of driving we did over two days and had great conversations.  The talks were all really interesting and I had a nice conversation with two late-stage PhD candidates about “alternate” career options.   The other fun event we had this week was hanging out with another couple on Friday evening.  We played Pandemic; I usually don’t like games of strategy but this was a cooperative one so I enjoyed it a lot.  We were having such a good time we stayed until after … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 14

Weekly Update 14

As I mentioned last weekend, we returned from our 5-year college reunion on Monday morning.  The rest of this week has been a real struggle between being exhausted from the weekend and re-adjusting to EST.  We got back to Kyle’s parents’ house after midnight Thursday – Saturday (PDT of course, 3 AM for our time) so the exhaustion compounded.  Anyway, we had a WONDERFUL time seeing our friends, former teachers, and the campus.   Nothing too exciting … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 13

Weekly Update 13

Kyle and I are in California for our 5-year college reunion!  I hope that explains my commenting absence in the last couple days.  I can’t spend much time writing about it now but I may do another mini-vacation post.  Suffice to say, we are having a great time!     Posts I Liked   My Money Design listed four great, straightforward steps for evaluating the mutual funds available to you in a 401(k) or 403(b).  I’m a little scared of … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 12

Weekly Update 12

This week we’ve been recovering from our trip to TN last weekend and looking forward to our 5-year college reunion next weekend!   On Tuesday night we saw Bring It On at our local theater as part of their Broadway musicals series!  I thought it was great!  The plotlines and characters were completely different from the movie and I thought it was quite funny (especially the characters of Bridget and Skylar).  Kyle was not quite as enthused … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update