Evolving Personal Finance » weekly update

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 28April2013

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 28April2013

Spring has finally sprung around here!  It’s warmer and rainy.  🙂  Lots of work for us this week.  We had a musical on Tuesday night and a good-bye picnic for one of our graduating friends.  I had a lot of energy for the blog this week so I’m trying to get pretty ahead with posts, but I was also a bit waylaid by thoughts of ebooks I want to write and a new website I … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 21April2013

Not much to report about our week here – it was pretty quiet!  Just lots of work.  We went to Kyle’s program’s end-of-year party and saw basically all our close friends from school.  I got my baby-holdin’ on, which was awesome.  We also had a small game night with some friends from our small group since we realized we hadn’t had them over since we moved to our townhouse.  Now that the weather has turned definitely-spring we want to be outside as much as possible!  Thankfully neither of us has allergies because the pollen is fierce right now and it will be getting hot soon enough.     Posts I Liked   Mrs. Pop from Planting Our Pennies thinks our ease of shopping has gone too far when even their cat can make purchases!   Phoebe from … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 14April2013

In honor of Financial Literacy month, the personal finance committee I’m on at my university is putting on a bunch of seminars and events throughout the month.  This week I attended a seminar on saving and investing but I was a bit disappointed.  The seminar itself was okay but I just kept thinking of what it could have been, like if I had done the presentation.  I’m getting a bit full of myself!     Posts I Liked   Joanna from Our Freaking Budget asks if home ownership is still part of the American dream.   Michelle from Making Sense of Cents reveals what she plans to do with her fabulous extra income.   Robert from The College Investor lays out the retirement options for self-employed individuals.   Eric from Narrow Bridge Finance suggests several alternative lodging schemes that are cheaper … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 7Apr2013

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 7Apr2013

We are back in NC and enjoying the spring that has finally arrived!  Well, I should say I’m enjoying it and Kyle is complaining about how hot the house is now without any A/C.  Nothing else out of the ordinary went on except we had a meeting regarding evangelism, one of my favorite subjects, which I’ll post on this week and we saw Smash Mouth in concert on Friday night at our university.     Posts I Liked    Grayson … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 1Apr2013

Kyle and I have been in CA since Wednesday and are flying home tonight.  It’s been a quick trip, but we’ve been able to spend a lot of time with Kyle’s parents and aunt and uncle and saw some other family and friends briefly as well.   Last Sunday we had our busy Easter morning and brunch and then watched our team get demolished in the Elite Eight (I’m still not over that injury – holy cow).  I spent all of Monday and Tuesday preparing for a presentation I gave to our collaborator’s lab meeting on Tuesday afternoon.  The meeting went well and I had a good conversation with my advisor in which we agreed that I will write a grant (for the experience) and take some other career-prep steps.   During this trip … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 24Mar2013

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 24Mar2013

HAPPY EASTER!  Hallelujah, He is Risen!!!   Easter is my #1 most favorite time of the year because of the focus on Jesus’s Resurrection.  My conversion from atheism to Christianity five years ago turned on my coming to understand that the Resurrection was a real historical event.  At its core, Christianity depends on this one event – no matter all the theology that’s been built up, all the emotional experiences of individuals, or all the arguments for … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 17Mar2013

This week is all about watching March Madness!  My PI walked into my office when I had it streaming one time this week.  :/  We also saw Anything Goes at our local theater – Kyle really liked it and I thought it was pretty good.  On Friday night we went to a Grad Christian Fellowship gathering and hear from a bioethicist faculty member, which was fascinating and provoked a lot of great discussion afterwards.  Finally, one of our friends in Kyle’s program defended this week – congratulations Dr. S!     Posts I Liked   Kraig from Young Cheap Living explains why he’s bucking the standard advice to use tax-advantaged retirement accounts and buy a house.   Well Heeled Blog draws attention to the trend of freezing eggs to extend the childbearing years in favor of focusing … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 10Mar2013

This week was spring break – of course that doesn’t mean anything changed schedule-wise for me and Kyle, but campus was just a bit empty.  I found a really exciting paper and I want to implement the method in our lab, so I decided to give it to my undergrad to work on – Kyle said “Look at you, delegating like a PI!”  I’m still trying to get comfortable in the whole mentor role thing.   Our weekend plans were pretty well ruined by our team getting knocked out of our conference tournament early!  We’re really bummed about that but hope it’s a wake-up call so they get it together for the big dance.     Posts I Liked   My Money Design lays out several wealth creation strategies.   Kraig from Young Cheap Living details how to use … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 3Mar2013

I am currently in the DC area to visit friends and family and attend a pre-wedding event for one of my high school friends!  Kyle decided to stay home to get some serious work done.  I think it’s nice to have a break from one another every so often since we do spend so much time together in our normal routine.  I’m happy I live close enough to be able to drive back for these types of events and to see my parents and siblings.   The BIG NEWS of the week is that I passed my preliminary exam and it was way less scary than I thought it would be!  My committee really took it easy on me.  I think I overprepared, which I guess is okay, and I’m glad I … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 24Feb2013

I gave THREE practice prelim presentations this week – once for my lab, one for my peers, and one for my advisor.  I wanted to work far in advance so we could go see Les Miserables on Friday night and watch a basketball game and go to a game night on Saturday without feeling too stressed.  Kyle also gave two presentations this week so he was working hard as well.  My prelim is TOMORROW!   Oh, and in PF news, the grad student tax workshop I helped prepare was last Wednesday and it went really well!  The audience was very diverse – from people who had never seen a 1040 to people who were trying to argue that grad students should be paid with W-2s instead of 1099-MISCs.  I think our speaker … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update