Evolving Personal Finance » weekly update

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 7July2013

I have had a really nice week!  I didn’t get enough done at work, though, so I’ve had to make up for it this weekend.  🙁  Last Sunday we met Cash Rebel on the way home from our trip to Madison, WI.  We had a pretty normal workweek; we’ve left open the chance of playing tennis anytime but it’s been raining every single day!  So disappointing.  This weekend was the weekend of catching up on our Netflix DVDs; we watched City of God on Friday and Apocalypse now on Saturday.  We also had a workday at a local elementary school with our church – I added a flagstone path to and mulched a section of a garden and Kyle weeded another section.     Posts I Liked   Amanda from Frugal Confessions implores us to block out … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 30June2013

We had a bit of a weird week!  We had planned on working three days and taking the 4th and 5th off.  We still took the last two days off, but on Monday morning we were confronted with a leak in the ceiling in our townhouse.  We kind of freaked out and spend the day cleanup up and trying to get in touch with our property management company.  We both worked a bit later in the day but it sucked to miss the most productive part of the day in an already short week.   On Thursday morning we flew out and we’ve spent the long weekend in Madison, WI for a wedding.  It actually has felt like a vacation for once and not a jam-packed trip!  I’ll have a post up … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 23June2013

Just in case you missed the zillions of reminders from Google Reader itself or any of the other blogs you read, today is the last day of Google Reader’s life!  You will have to switch to another RSS reader if you want to keep having all your great blog content organized in one place.  There are many other options – Kyle is now using The Old Reader and I am using Feedly.  And if you’ve never signed up to get EPF’s content through an RSS feed, this is a great opportunity!   We had another week of heavy work this week and not much else.  We’ve tried to fit in as much tennis as we can but it’s been raining quite a bit.  That’s also put a damper on our grilling but … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 16June2013

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 16June2013

I have had such a good week!  I’ve been putting in long hours at work and have been rewarded with real progress.  Kyle and I also played tennis a couple times, which was really fun.  Regular playing is really shaking the dust off our games.  We need to find another local couple to play doubles with.   Not too much else is going on for us right now except that we fiiiiiinally got our new grill!  We … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 9June2013

Man, I had a great week!   I have an undergraduate working with me full-time and his mere presence is really helping me keep on track with my experiments.  I was able to replicate my great result from last week so I feel like I’m a giant leap closer to finishing my PhD.   Kyle and I attended one of those how-to-get-a-job talks this week and actually got to spend some time in a smaller group with the speaker. She told Kyle she was confident he’ll be able to find a job with his unique training (and she said she doesn’t tell most people that).  We got a free meal out of the deal at a nice French restaurant in Durham.  She also gave me some advice and a possible interesting contact on the PF front, … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 2June2013

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 2June2013

Last weekend Kyle and I were in northern Virginia to celebrate some family events.  We got a lot of quality time with my sister, which you’ll hear a bit more about in the coming weeks.  I was hoping to see SWARMS AND SWARMS of cicadas as I remembered another brood from 2004, but we only heard them and saw a few dead ones.   Yesterday we served lunch again at a local homeless shelter and then went … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 26May2013

Phew!  We’ve had a busy week!  And we’ve hardly had time to recover!   Last Sunday and Monday we were in Boston for a wedding.  Right when we got into RDU on Monday we drove to a Memorial Day cookout – we were thankful for the hot ready meal!   We were back at work Tuesday through Thursday, including attending a 4-hour seminar on negotiation and problem solving, focused on hiring negotiations.   On Wednesday night we had small group as usual.  On Thursday we went to a young professionals event at our church, where we got a free meal and SQUARE DANCED for about an hour!  It was so much fun!  Then on Friday we heard the North Carolina Symphony play movie music at a free outdoor concert.   On Saturday morning we drove to northern Virginia … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 19May2013

Happy Memorial Day from Boston!  Kyle and I are in town for a wedding of one of my good friends from high school.  I’m so excited to spend time with a bunch of my old crew friends – it’s been a while!  Yesterday we went on the Duck Tour and out to dinner with some of the other wedding guests.  I love when there are more events on a wedding weekend than just the wedding.   The rest of this week was pretty normal.  We went to a great game night last Sunday and just kept our noses to the grindstones throughout the week so that we could leave town guilt-free.  Our small group is transitioning to our “summer hours.”  Our church finished up its big spring series two weeks ago, so … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 12May2013

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 12May2013

We had a busy last week but our weekend is pretty open.  Because Monday was my only free evening, I worked late.  On Tuesday we saw Sister Act – probably our last show at our local theater EVER!  So sad.  On Wednesday we had small group as usual.  On Thursday my parents spent the night at our place on their way to Atlanta.  We were planning to go out to dinner with them but they … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 5May2013

Pretty slow week outside of work for us!  We attended a talk by the former director of the NIH on translational research, which really got me jazzed again about doing science policy or something similar.  We also prepared and served lunch at the homeless ministry we volunteer with from time to time.  We’ve been working on the blog more this week and also trying to get a lot accomplished at work.  We need to find some time to play some tennis!   Small update on my car: I have a confession.  From last spring when we stopped driving my car to a couple months after we moved to our townhouse last August, I was really good about starting my car about once per week and driving it around the parking lot/complex.  However, … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update