Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "Facebook"
Talking to People Who Are Different from You about PF

Last week, I promoted one of my blog posts on my personal Facebook profile. (I know that’s crazy to anonymous PF bloggers, but I’m completely open about my blog IRL!) It was the review of the Barclaycard Arrival World MasterCard, and you can see I was pushing it a bit. (We just signed up for our second one last night! Woohoo!) I knew that some of my FB friends would see that and consider signing … Read entire article »
Filed under: credit cards, debt, family
Would You Live in Company Housing?

I saw an article this week that piqued my interest – Facebook is building an apartment complex close to its Menlo Park campus for its employees. The article and comments are highly critical of the idea, recalling the company towns of the nineteenth century. The author sarcastically asks, “Who isn’t sick of their healthy work/life balance?” Many of the commenters voiced that by living in a Facebook apartment, Facebook employees will be constantly monitored by … Read entire article »
Filed under: housing
Blog Statistics Update May – June 2012

This is my one-month update on how EPF is doing based on our May 16 – June 15 data. Probably only other bloggers will care about the statistics stuff, but I found the list of most viewed posts pretty interesting (two were from before this period) and of course comments are still welcome! I’ll definitely read and respond to them. Statistics People who listen to us, as of June 15, 2012 RSS subscribers: 66 (+13) Twitter followers: 51 (+18) Facebook … Read entire article »
Filed under: blogging, month in review