Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "separate money"
Realities of Account Ownership

This post is a follow-up from my visualizations of account structures that couples use – different combinations of joint and separate accounts. I didn’t specify during that post, but there are actually three ways of viewing account/property ownership: the names on the account/deed how you think of the account the legal owner and beneficiary, in the case of divorce/death (will depend on the state) For example, I’ve talked with married couples who have individual names on various accounts but … Read entire article »
Filed under: marriage, transitions
Diverted from the Slope

I swear, I wasn’t trying to test my husband. I honestly was reconsidering our TOTALLY JOINT MONEY arrangement for Kyle’s sake. My personality as drifted further toward “saver” since I became financially independent from my parents and I’ve imposed those tendencies on Kyle to a great extent since we got married. Kyle is a saver as well but he enjoyed buying electronics and making some small impulse purchases before we were married and those purchases have slowed … Read entire article »
Filed under: marriage, side income
Joint and Separate Money Series: Individualized Marriage and Money Management

This is the second installment of a series probing the issue of joint vs. separate money in marital and cohabiting relationships, inspired by the great discussion in the comments of my slippery slope of separate money post. In each post in this series, I review the methodology and major findings of a paper in the field and then discuss how my husband and I fit into the results. I encourage you to share your reactions … Read entire article »
Filed under: marriage, the literature
Joint and Separate Money Series: Changes During the First Year of Marriage

This is the first installment of a series probing the issue of joint vs. separate money in marital and cohabiting relationships, inspired by the great discussion in the comments of my slippery slope of separate money post. In each post in this series, I review the methodology and major findings of a paper in the field and then discuss how my husband and I fit into the results. I encourage you to share your reactions … Read entire article »
Filed under: marriage, the literature