Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "stock market"

Rethinking Our Student Loan Repayment

Rethinking Our Student Loan Repayment

I logged in to my Sallie Mae account recently – I check in on it 2-3 times per year just to make sure nothing has changed.  My remaining loans are subsidized and in deferment so their balances should be completely static until I graduate and they come out of deferment.  However, when I logged in this most recent time I noticed that the interest rate on three of my loans had dropped from 3.61% to … Read entire article »

Filed under: choices, debt, investing

Trying Hard to Not Time the Market

Trying Hard to Not Time the Market

Kyle and I have a decision to make!  We have some subsidized and deferred student loan debt (i.e. sitting at 0%) and we also have the full amount of money we need to pay off these loans set aside.  Most of that money is invested in mutual funds, but about $6,000 is in a CD that is maturing this month.   When we first allocated our savings, we knew we should be conservative because we had a … Read entire article »

Filed under: debt, investing, savings, stock market