Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "website"
Grad Student Finances Has Launched!

I just wanted to tell you guys that we now have Grad Student Finances online! If you remember, this project was supposed to be my passion project from last fall before I got absorbed in creating my comprehensive personal finance for grad students seminar. My concept for Grad Student Finances was for it to be a timeless resource for graduate students to help them with learn about how to maximize their money. For that reason, I … Read entire article »
Filed under: blogging, grad school
My Speaking Website (with Video!)
I don’t have a real post for you today because Kyle and I have been working hard on the speaking side of things: My speaking website is now online! (Done with Goal 4b!) It’s super simple right now but includes outlines of my talks and a handful of video clips from my Duke presentation last November. Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments of this post! I am writing a bunch of pitch emails to student groups and administrators at various universities, and it takes significant time to research exactly who I need to contact at each place (both student groups and administrators). If you want to help me with my research by putting me in contact with the right person/group at YOUR university, please email me (evolvingPF at … Read entire article »
Filed under: side income
PhD Stipends Launch

I’m happy to finally be able to show you website #1, the project that Kyle and I have been working on (very intermittently) for the past year: PhD Stipends. If you are a (former) grad student who receives some kind of pay related to that role – you do not have to be PhD student and you do not have to call it a ‘stipend’ – would you please do two things for me? 1) Go to … Read entire article »
Filed under: grad school, income
Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 2 March 2014
Kyle is dissertating like a madman and it’s taking over our lives! He is literally attending zero activities outside of church and is working nearly every waking hour. He didn’t even watch The Big Rivalry Game with our basketball group last night!! (That is a huge sacrifice!) I have been feeling a little neglected and lonely (my primary love language is quality time) so Kyle took me out on a proper date on Friday evening, which was lovely. Well, being together was lovely. Our expectation for the restaurant was probably too high (some say it’s the best burger in Durham – I don’t think so but if it isn’t that’s kind of sad) and we were accosted by a homeless person as we walked back to our car which was … Read entire article »
Filed under: weekly update
Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Weeks of 16 and 23 February 2014
Sorry for skipping out on this update last week! I was busier than I expected to be during our weekend trip to CA last week, even though I was waking up a couple hours before the rest of the household. To make up for it, this week’s post is for the last two weeks. You guys can help me out by checking out a website we launched this weekend. My project on internships and other experiences has advanced and my group now has a website up with testimonials from PhD students who have had career-advancing experiences (the testimonials are in a Prezi – it’s pretty cool if you’ve never seen this type of presentation). Would you please 1) visit the site, 2) leave honest feedback, and 3) submit a testimonial of … Read entire article »
Filed under: weekly update
Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 12January2014
This week Kyle and I went to two basketball games! We’d only been to a couple so far this season because we drew so many ACC games. We ended up with two Ws but one of them was a nail-biter, so that was fun to be present for. We were able to bring friends from our church small group to both because there’s a very generous guest policy in place right now. I had an idea for a new website a week or so ago and this weekend Kyle and I bought the domain! It’s not a blog, just a little side project. I’m excited to announce it here when it’s ready to go up and I hope you all will contribute to it and/or help promote it! That’s all I’ll … Read entire article »
Filed under: weekly update
Grad Student Income Tax Site Up!
Hi there! This isn’t a normal posting day for EPF but I am just so excited to share this info with you I had to break the routine! The grad student income tax website that I’ve been working on for the past few months is now live! My partner, who works in the student loan office and is a CPA, did most of the writing and compiling and I helped in the research and editing to ensure that it addresses the particular tax challenges that grad students face. I think this is a great resource for students at our university and across the US. I hope fellowship recipients find it useful as they are preparing their taxes. If you have any comments or constructive criticism regarding the information or presentation, please email me … Read entire article »
Filed under: grad school, taxes