Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 26August2013

I am finally taking a step back from my crazy work schedule!  This week was much more relaxed.  I was on my feet most of the time I was at work, but I didn’t stay super late any evening and I’m not going into lab at all this weekend!


zipline into pool

Kyle posing for the camera

We had a very nice week socially.  Last Sunday we went to a bring-your-own-lunch pool party at our friend’s house.  That was the first time I’d been in a pool all summer, if you can believe it!  Then we went straight to the tennis courts to meet up with a couple friends for doubles.  We played two sets, switching teams in between, and I was the big loser.  🙁  But playing with them definitely upped my game.  It’s nice to play against someone with a different style for once (Kyle and I almost always play by ourselves).  On Tuesday I went for a lovely walk with a friend (whose husband is actually a frequent commenter on here – hi RM and AM!) who indulged me by discussing grad student side income.  On Thursday evening another couple made dinner for us at their home (STEAKS!) and we had a great evening with them, too!


On Friday we left town to visit my parents and siblings and we all went to Mt. Vernon on Saturday.  We haven’t been up to see them since June!  We don’t have too many months left living relatively close, probably…



Blog Swap


This week I participated in a blog swap!  The prompt was “My first experience of earning extra money on the side and the lessons learned.”  You can find my post on FI Journey and FI Pilgrim’s post on this blog.  Please check out the other participating blog posts:



Post I Liked 


20 Something Budget defends keeping meat in her diet and suggests strategies for keeping the cost low.


Kraig from Young Cheap Living has launched a podcast on financial freedom.


Broke Millennial will roll her eyes if you make any of these five statements about money.


Eric from Narrow Bridge Finance doesn’t want you to believe these six myths about frequent flyer miles.


Mrs. Pop from Planting Our Pennies argues with her husband about whether taking bananas from the neighbors is gleaning or stealing.


Robert from The College Investor shares why he thinks real estate ages have become superfluous.





Kim from Eyes on the Dollar worked Rethinking Our Student Loan Repayment into her post on what not to do with student loan money.


Matt from Mom and Dad Money listed Side Hustle Story From A First-Time Freelancer in his cool stuff around the web.


raneck, a user on the forums at The Grad Cafe, suggested EPF in a thread about grad student personal finance blogs.  Thanks so much for recommending us!  I was on those forums ALL THE TIME during my grad school application season so it was a nice blast from the past.





Financially Surviving Your First Month as a PhD Student was featured in the Carnival of Personal Finance #428 and the Carnival of Financial Planning.


Blog Statistics Update July-August 2013 was featured in the Yakezie Carnival.


Left to Unwellness was featured in the Finance Carnival for Young Adults.



Top Comment 


Alicia from Financial Diffraction joined me in mocking my pay decrease email, saying: “That form is absolutely ridiculous! Was it take your child to work day when it was made?”



Most Frequent Commenters


  1. Edward Antrobus
  2. Cash Rebel
  3. Matt Becker @ Mom and Dad Money
  4. Alicia @ Financial Diffraction



Top Blogs Referring to EPF 


  1. The Simple Dollar
  2. Making Sense of Cents
  3. Our Freaking Budget


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11 Responses to "Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 26August2013"

  1. Matt Becker says:

    Glad you guys had such a fun week. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
    Matt Becker recently posted..Financial Carnival for Young Adults – Labor Day Edition

    1. Emily says:

      Same to you!

  2. FI Pilgrim says:

    I enjoyed the blog swap on Friday, Emily, thanks for participating! Have a great Labor Day.
    FI Pilgrim recently posted..August In Review – Income/Expense and Net Worth

    1. Emily says:

      Me too! I really enjoyed your story.

  3. Sounds like a very social week. And congrats to a “no lab weekend” – I always tried to time my experiments so I only had to check on them once a weekend for an hour or so.

    Thanks for bestowing me with the Top Comment – Woo Hoo! – Can you tell I am new to the PF blog world?
    Alicia @ Financial Diffraction recently posted..snowball versus ladder.

    1. Emily says:

      Yeah I usually go in at least once a weekend to take care of my cells, sometimes to do some easy work that I’m motivated to get out of the way. I basically never want to work at home so to get anything done I have to go in.

      Thanks for appreciating the top comment designation! Most people don’t acknowledge it. 🙁 But I liked your joke.

  4. SarahN says:

    Oh I must have done something wrong, cause I linked back to you when I looked at joint accounts the other day!


    1. Emily says:

      Oops! I will add that recognition to next week’s post. I’ve observed that with trackbacks I generate to my own posts, I have to update the post after scheduling or publishing it once per trackback to get them to show up. Not sure if it would be different for linking to outside blogs, so I just update link-heavy posts a lot.

      1. SarahN says:

        Yeah, I’m still making rookie errors with this blogging business. And I do schedule a lot, so I’ll make sure I double check all this. Thanks!
        SarahN recently posted..What’s the best way with money?

  5. I haven’t been to a pool all summer either, but I did do a little swimming on vacation at my parent’s house (they live on a pond). Can’t believe the summer is almost over. Where does the times go? Hope you’re having a good weekend!
    KK @ Student Debt Survivor recently posted..Attitude of Gratitude-Old Friends

    1. Emily says:

      That is awesome that your parents live on a pond you can swim in! I’m so sad about summer ending and the days getting shorter/colder. I can’t wait to move back to SoCal.

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