Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "friends"
Do You Vacation with Friends?

I’m always jealous when I see that other people are vacationing with friends! For example, Holly from Club Thrifty recently went to Jamaica with a group of friends and Michelle from Making Sense of Cents is planning a Las Vegas bachelorette party with her bridal party. I would really love to vacation with friends but it’s not something we’ve done very much. Our experience with vacationing with friends in the past is limited but very positive … Read entire article »
Filed under: travel
Financial Heroes or Financial Zeros?

I hope this post doesn’t come off as too mean-spirited. I love listening to personal podcasts (non-NPR/APM) partially because you get to know the hosts rather intimately over many episodes. One of my current favorite podcasts is hosted by a married couple and they talk about their life and relationship quite a bit. Over the course of a hundred or so episodes, I’ve picked up a lot of tidbits about this couple’s financial situation, and … Read entire article »
Talking to People Who Are Different from You about PF

Last week, I promoted one of my blog posts on my personal Facebook profile. (I know that’s crazy to anonymous PF bloggers, but I’m completely open about my blog IRL!) It was the review of the Barclaycard Arrival World MasterCard, and you can see I was pushing it a bit. (We just signed up for our second one last night! Woohoo!) I knew that some of my FB friends would see that and consider signing … Read entire article »
Filed under: credit cards, debt, family
Holiday Conversations around Money

Kyle and I have had a great time this week visiting friends and family in his childhood home of the greater Los Angeles area. I have particularly been surprised by the candid conversations we’ve been able to have about personal finance. My interest in this subject area has grown with the age of this blog and I enjoy hearing about the view of money from people in my who are not personal finance professionals or … Read entire article »
Frugality in Moderation

Most of the time I consider being frugal a virtue. Emily and I strive to live within our grad student means, so that necessitates cutting some frills from our lives. However, we need to be careful not to take this too far. There was a time in college when my friends and I moved from frugal to cheap that caused a great deal of tension within the group. In retrospect the whole incident was silly, … Read entire article »
Weekly Update 3

Our week was fairly consumed with dealing with my car. We went to bed Tuesday night without a decision on what to do. We had discussed our options extensively (with whiteboards!) and couldn’t come to a clear resolution, so I left it up to Kyle to decide. He woke up Wednesday morning with a great proposition: commit to the one-car experiment for two weeks without making any other changes, and if that goes well we … Read entire article »
Filed under: weekly update