Evolving Personal Finance » Entries tagged with "wedding"
October and November 2017 Budget Report

The big event of the last two months was our trip to Virginia for my sister’s wedding. We were gone for ten days at the end of October. It was quite a spendy occasion between the travel and the attire, but well worth it of course. Absolutely nothing went wrong at the wedding! I plan to write a whole post on my expenses as a bridesmaid (this was the first time I’ve been in a … Read entire article »
Filed under: month in review
Mini-Vacation Financials: Wedding in Kansas

Over Memorial Day Weekend, Kyle and I attended a wedding in Kansas City, Kansas. It was a very fun wedding and get-away weekend for us (just after our 5th wedding anniversary!), though we were not frugal about the trip. It’s amazing for me to contrast how little effort we put into taking this trip frugally in comparison to when we went to Chicago for another wedding three years ago. We definitely could have been more … Read entire article »
Filed under: travel
Mini-Vacation Financials: Wedding in Los Angeles

Kyle and I attended the wedding of a college friend in Los Angeles last weekend. We hadn’t been to LA, Kyle’s childhood home and where we attended college, in 10 months! 10 months! Earlier in grad school it seemed we were flying out there 2-3 times per year for weddings and holidays. But the first wave of weddings in our life seems to be over and we were with my family for last Christmas so … Read entire article »
Filed under: travel
Mini-Vacation Financials: Wedding in Boston

Last weekend Kyle and I traveled to Boston to attend the wedding of one of my high school friends to her college sweetheart. The wedding was on Sunday night (before Memorial Day) so the couple organized an afternoon and evening of activities for the younger wedding guests on Saturday. We were able to stay with another friend attending the wedding and hung out with her and other high school friends in town for the event … Read entire article »
Filed under: travel
Favorite Posts, Mentions, and Top Comments Week of 19May2013
Happy Memorial Day from Boston! Kyle and I are in town for a wedding of one of my good friends from high school. I’m so excited to spend time with a bunch of my old crew friends – it’s been a while! Yesterday we went on the Duck Tour and out to dinner with some of the other wedding guests. I love when there are more events on a wedding weekend than just the wedding. The rest of this week was pretty normal. We went to a great game night last Sunday and just kept our noses to the grindstones throughout the week so that we could leave town guilt-free. Our small group is transitioning to our “summer hours.” Our church finished up its big spring series two weeks ago, so … Read entire article »
Filed under: weekly update
Toeing into the E in EPF

I thought I’d take this Friday post to update you all on the random money goings-on around the EPF household. We are gearing up for our first financial transition, moving from the apartment Kyle’s lived in for 5 years (and I for 2 years) to a townhouse that’s both cheaper and closer to school and church. In addition we’ve had some other small bumps in the road and changes and are looking forward to some … Read entire article »
Filed under: budgeting, credit cards, targeted savings, transitions, travel
My Dream in 23 Years – What’s Yours?

One of the important components of the All Your Worth Balanced Money Formula is the Dream Fund. Of the 20% of take-home pay that is supposed to go toward savings, 25% of it is for your dreams – aside from retirement and all of that. When I was a kid I thought I would want to own a beach house. Maybe some other people want a plane, an around-the-world cruise, or to pay for their … Read entire article »
April 2012 Month in Review: Money

I’ve decided to start a series in which I look back on the previous month’s spending and saving and report how we matched up with our goals (i.e. budget) and what we spent out of our targeted savings accounts. The point is to give you a deeper look into how we spend our money (to provoke discussion) and to provide us some accountability. In April we had three weekends on which we were traveling, so I’ll … Read entire article »
Filed under: month in review
Are You Sure You Want to Spend $27000 on Your Wedding?

Today we are featuring a guest post from Edward Antrobus as part of this month’s Yakezie Blog Swap – click over to his blog to check out my participating post. Edward is a blogger, home cook, and construction worker. Enjoy! The cost of the average wedding is over $25,000. That number doesn’t even include the cost of the dress! (I’ve never understood that. Isn’t the wedding dress a wedding-related cost? Why wouldn’t you include it in the … Read entire article »
Mini-Vacation Financials: Smoky Mountains Trip for a Wedding

This post as a case study example of how we use our Travel savings account to have a fun (and not too extravagant) weekend away for a wedding and to share some photos from our weekend! The Plan Kyle and I received a wedding invitation a few months ago from one of our very best college friends for her wedding in the Smoky Mountains. Of course we knew we would attend so we just had to decide … Read entire article »