Evolving Personal Finance » weekly update

Weekly Update 11

Weekly Update 11

Hey everyone!  I’m sorry for the late posting today and my absence from the interwebs from noon Friday on.  Kyle and I went to Tennessee this weekend for a wedding!  It was a wonderful celebration and we got a lot of quality time alone together as well as with our college friends.  I was planning to keep up with blogging stuff as usual in the early mornings and late evenings, but it turned out that … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 10

Happy Easter!   Easter is 100% my favorite day of the year and I am so excited every year to invite friends and colleagues to church.  I just love this season of focus on the Gospel and the Resurrection in particular.  I converted to Christianity from atheism because I came to understand that Jesus really, actually, physically, literally became alive again after his death on the cross two days earlier.  The huge implications of that event – namely, that God wanted so much to restore our relationship with him that he died to accomplish it – have simply revolutionized my life.   Other than our normal weekly activities, our dentist appointment, and preparing for Easter, one of the extra fun things we did was spend an evening with two other couples associated … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 9

The Big Event this week for me was participating in a global health case competition in Atlanta as part of a team my university sent.  We got the case on Monday, flew down Thursday evening, worked our butts off Friday, and presented on Saturday.  It was a ton of work (we were on campus working until 2:30 AM Friday night and then I put in a little more time in our hotel room) but our team got along very well (we had many fits of hysterical laughing) and I was very happy with our solution and presentation.  Of course I was also getting prepared lab-wise to leave town so I front-loaded my work this week.  I hope that explains my absence on the PF blogosphere!  I plan to return to … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 8

Pretty normal week again – lots of work.  I had another project application added to my work and I met with our new collaborators this week, so that was very interesting.  We planned an initial experiment that should happen in a couple weeks.  Kyle has been staying up late coding, which is more difficult now that we’re driving to work together.   I had lunch with a friend this week and I explained to her the guidelies of the diet I used to lose 40 lbs last year.  Only a few people have seriously inquired about my methods and one has implemented it very successfully.  We also had two friends over to watch some of the NCAA tournament and play games on Saturday night.  Lots of basketball-watching generally this week.   I attended a … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 7

Not too much exciting stuff went on this week.  Kyle and I were working pretty hard so I didn’t spend as much time in the PF blogosphere as I usually have.  I saw some exciting positive results at work – I like my job right now.  🙂  We watched our basketball team flail out of the NCAA tournament; we’re still watching but now I’m cheering for the other teams from our conference.  On Friday night we babysat for our friends’ one-year-old – 45 minutes of parenting practice!  The child had been very well-trained and we had a great time!     Posts I Liked Well Heeled Blog wrote a post on what she thinks a college personal finance curriculum should include.  A very interesting proposal!  Head over to her blog to add your thoughts … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 6

This week was spring break at our university and while we didn’t take off work, we did take things a bit easy and tried to catch as much of the ACC tournament as we could.  Unfortunately, our team is not going to the finals of the tournament, but I’m still planning to watch tomorrow.  Several top-ranked teams lost over the last few days so I don’t feel toooooo bad.  We had friends over to watch the semifinals so that’s always fun. I started doing research for a post on the “earned income” aspect of Roth IRA contributions for an upcoming Roth IRA blitz posting that Jeff Rose at Good Financial Cents is organizing.  I tried to track down the sources of my funding for my four years in grad school by … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 5

Kyle and I each had something great happen at work this week – he got a paper accepted and I took a major leap forward in my project! We’ve come to the end of our two-week carpooling trial and overall driving together has definitely enhanced our marriage.  I’ll write a post soon on our final decision and expected financial implications. The BIG EVENT this week is of course our university’s men’s basketball team’s end-of-season rivalry game.  I attended the game and Kyle watched it on TV with some friends.  We suffered a crushing defeat – it sucks to lose, especially at home!  I was present for all of our home losses this season.  This one actually hurt the least because it was against the best team, and it wasn’t a deciding end-of-game … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 4

We had a rather busy week in terms of after-work activities.  In addition to our usual ones, we attended a lecture on science and faith by a mathematics professor from Oxford and watched a basketball game with friends.  On Friday night we went to a wine and cheese party with some friends – delicious!  Kyle also has been working super hard on a software release for his research so he’s been putting in lots of hours on that.  Using only one car has been going pretty well!  I had to catch a ride from a friend once this week and we had a morning or two of getting-out-of-the-house tension but we’re managing.   Posts I Liked SB at One Cent at a Time shared how devoting increased time to his blog caused his … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 3

Weekly Update 3

Our week was fairly consumed with dealing with my car.  We went to bed Tuesday night without a decision on what to do.  We had discussed our options extensively (with whiteboards!) and couldn’t come to a clear resolution, so I left it up to Kyle to decide.  He woke up Wednesday morning with a great proposition: commit to the one-car experiment for two weeks without making any other changes, and if that goes well we … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Weekly Update 2

Hey everyone! The highlight of our week was the big game between our university’s men’s basketball team and our rival.  We had a bunch of our friends over to our place to watch it.  It was a nail-biter and had the most unlikely last minute (2.5, really) I’ve seen.  I love watching basketball with other fans (in fact, we made it a rule).  Our living room was absolutely exploding in the last minute.  We also attended a home basketball game on Saturday, but since we arrived late we didn’t have much of a view of the court. This week was also recruiting week for Kyle’s program so he did a lot of social and work-related activities related to that, and I joined him at a party for the student and “recruits” on … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update