Evolving Personal Finance » Archive

Do You Buy, Lease, or Get Free Entertainment?

Do You Buy, Lease, or Get Free Entertainment?

For Christmas this year Kyle received an Amazon (affiliate link – thanks for using!) Kindle gift card (and the giver checked that we do in fact own a Kindle).  Receiving that gift card, as well as considering some others, made me realize that we really don’t buy media any more.  I can remember only twice in the last five years or so that we’ve bought a song, book, or movie that wasn’t a gift.   It’s not just … Read entire article »

Filed under: frugality, spending

Frugal Friends Go Skiing

Frugal Friends Go Skiing

This past weekend I found out just how naturally frugal some of my church friends are!  A few weeks ago one of the women in our small group suggested a day trip to a ski resort in West Virginia.  The decision-making cascade our group made from that invitation was exactly in line with what Kyle and I would have wanted to keep costs down!   Lodging: Even though we had to drive from NC well into WV, … Read entire article »

Filed under: frugality, spending

December 2012 Month in Review: Money

December 2012 Month in Review: Money

I found tracking and budgeting very difficult this month – it was the combination of lots of spending on Christmas gifts and that we were traveling for over 1/3 of the month.  Sticking to our discretionary budget was nearly a lost cause and not even our targeted savings accounts could save us completely!  Zeroing-out-wise, it turns out that you can’t spend $460.34 on cell phones in a month (on a budget of $95) and expect … Read entire article »

Filed under: month in review

Grocery Challenge Update for December 2012

Grocery Challenge Update for December 2012

This is our December review for our attempt to take control of our grocery spending through seven goals and a new grocery budget cap.   In December we spent $502.54 on groceries, about 25% above our budget of $400.  I don’t feel terrible about this overage because there were a few unusual circumstances, and I think we’re on track to meet our budget next month.  We did pretty well accomplishing our goals aside from the time we … Read entire article »

Filed under: food

Whose Money Is It, Anyway?

Whose Money Is It, Anyway?

One of the money conversations I was a part of over the holidays concerned a family estrangement over money.  A parent was constantly giving money to his adult son and his adult daughter objected repeatedly, saying that if her father was going to give money to her brother he should give her an equal amount.  The result was that the daughter was cut out of the father’s life and the father is still giving money … Read entire article »

Filed under: family

Holiday Conversations around Money

Holiday Conversations around Money

Kyle and I have had a great time this week visiting friends and family in his childhood home of the greater Los Angeles area.  I have particularly been surprised by the candid conversations we’ve been able to have about personal finance.  My interest in this subject area has grown with the age of this blog and I enjoy hearing about the view of money from people in my who are not personal finance professionals or … Read entire article »

Filed under: family, values

Reader Request: Credit Scores and Credit Reports

Reader Request: Credit Scores and Credit Reports

My friend ED recently submitted a personal finance-related question to us and we’re happy to address it today!  If you have a question you’d like to ask, either about something objective like ED’s question or just what our personal opinion is on something, please email us at evolvingPF at gmail dot com or surf over to the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page to use the anonymous submission form.   Our reader question this … Read entire article »

Filed under: debt

At Long Last, Our Budget(s)

At Long Last, Our Budget(s)

A few weeks ago, Kyle and I finally sat down together to create a new iteration of our budget.  We probably should have done it after we moved in August, reducing our rent by about $100/month, or after we got our annual cost-of-living raises in September.  We put off incorporating that extra money into our budget because we weren’t sure how the fiscal cliff would be resolved and we didn’t want to get accustomed to … Read entire article »

Filed under: budgeting, personal

Weekly Update 44

Kyle and I flew to California this week for our Christmas vacation!  We had two normal days at work, then drove to northern Virginia on Tuesday evening and flew out early Wednesday morning.  Since then we’ve been hanging out with Kyle’s parents and seeing our friends from college.  I’m so glad all our shopping is done and we just have to wrap the presents that arrive every day and make peanut butter balls to add … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Blog Statistics Update November – December 2012

Blog Statistics Update November – December 2012

I guess the biggest news around here is that Kyle and I have discovered that working on EPF is a great tool for procrastinating the real work we should be doing for our PhDs!  We finally have ads on the site to test out the placements we like before we try negotiating for private ads.  Plus Kyle updated our social media and sharing buttons high on the right sidebar – please subscribe/follow/fan/share!   Our traffic really picked … Read entire article »

Filed under: blogging, month in review