Evolving Personal Finance » Archive

Should You Count Your Employer’s Contribution into Your Retirement Savings Percentage?

Should You Count Your Employer’s Contribution into Your Retirement Savings Percentage?

The question of whether or not to count an employer’s match or contribution into your own savings percentage is a perennial PF debate – but I swear I have a new twist!  (At least, it’s new to me.  I have never read this advice anywhere, but it’s so simple that I’m sure I can’t be the first to suggest it.)  I had this brain wave while reading a Money Under 30 post on how to … Read entire article »

Filed under: retirement

Weekly Update 49

Busy busy week for both of us again – that will be the story through the beginning of March for me (for my preliminary exam) and until Kyle gets a job for him.  This week I got the first draft of my preliminary exam document to my advisor for comment and Kyle inquired about his first postdoctoral position.   We also attended an alumni networking event on Saturday but didn’t meet anyone who would be immediately useful for making connections as we aren’t going into industry in the next year or so.   In awesome news this week, my advisor was elected to the National Academy of Engineering!  That is an enormous honor befitting his long career and many contributions to his field.  Another professor told me about it in the hallway … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

Grocery Challenge Update for January 2013

Grocery Challenge Update for January 2013

Late last fall we realized that our grocery spending had really gotten out of hand, even though we increased our budget from $360 to $400 per month. In November we spent $484 and set ourselves a grocery challenge – several goals that we thought would help us reduce our grocery spending to under our budget. The first month of our challenge, December 2012, was not successful – we spent $502 – but I was feeling … Read entire article »

Filed under: budgeting, food

Irregular Income: Gravy Edition

Irregular Income: Gravy Edition

Kyle has been working at an extra position around 10 hours per month for a few months now, so we have had some time to adjust to having this additional income stream.  He wasn’t looking for more income, but rather volunteered for a position (that we later found out was paid) so that he could learn a new skill.  While I still stand by the method of handling irregular income I outlined earlier, that strategy … Read entire article »

Filed under: income, targeted savings

Why We Don’t Do No-Spend Challenges

Why We Don’t Do No-Spend Challenges

I see the topic of no-spend challenges brought up repeatedly in the PF blogosphere – and I always dismiss them as not being for me.  I feel we have a no-spend lifestyle!  We don’t have a classic “latte factor” – a daily drip of single “want” purchases that add up substantially – and I think that undertaking spending fasts would only result in spending binges because we would delay necessary spending.   But I had never gathered … Read entire article »

Filed under: spending

Weekly Update 48

Looking back at my calendar, I can see we had a very quiet week!  I’ve been keeping my nose to the grindstone writing my preliminary exam document and finishing up collecting some data.  Kyle has been trying to turn his focus to applying for jobs, and this week he heard a seminar from a PI he’s really interested in.  The guy is at UCSF so I’ve let my imagination run away with me (as I am wont to do) and have been looking up housing options in San Francisco.  I’m being ridiculous because Kyle is in such an early stage of the application process that I should be getting my hopes up – but the lab would be a really good fit and we’d be one giant step closer to … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update

January 2013 Month in Review: Money

January 2013 Month in Review: Money

January was a fun month for us!  We went skiing with some friends, got a lot accomplished at work, started watching basketball socially again, went out for Restaurant Week, had a picnic, and had the excitement of two snowfalls.  We went over our grocery budget again (again, again… what kind of budgeter am I?) and you’ll have scroll down to see our bottom line.     The Everyday Budget   Our non-discretionary categories aren’t changing at all now – INCOME, … Read entire article »

Filed under: month in review

The Marriage Penalty and Itemizing Taxes

The Marriage Penalty and Itemizing Taxes

One of the lovely conversations about money I had over winter break was with my mother-in-law one morning while we were cooking breakfast.  I had probably brought up the fiscal cliff or something similar, and the conversation wound up with me blurting out “Do you know how little money we make?”  Oops!   She was surprised to learn some details about our tax situation, but it makes sense that we have different impressions of the tax code … Read entire article »

Filed under: marriage, taxes

Don’t Call Them the Top 20%

Don’t Call Them the Top 20%

After Christmas this year, Kyle and I visited my parents’ house for a couple days.  The looming fiscal cliff was still all over the news, and I opened the newspaper to an infographic on how the various tax brackets would be impacted by different proposals and so forth.  The taxpayers were divided into fifths: the bottom 20%, 2nd 20%, middle 20%, 4th 20%, and top “rich” 20%.  Kyle and I fall into the middle 20% … Read entire article »

Filed under: psychology

Weekly Update 47

Weekly Update 47

We spent our entire month’s eating out budget in one fell swoop this week!  We went out for restaurant week to a place that’s been on our minds but out of our price range since we moved here (The Melting Pot).  Our meal took 2.5 hours and we had wonderful service.  I even ate a bit of dessert!  It was fun to have such an interactive meal.   We had another interesting end of the week here … Read entire article »

Filed under: weekly update